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Posts: 4


Topic: [ASK] how to create a command!

I am a new member here, if I may ask?

Can you give a tutorial and source to make the command /chat and /redchat


Re: [ASK] how to create a command!

yes ican give you the code
but not in this time


Re: [ASK] how to create a command!

BlackFrost wrote:

I am a new member here, if I may ask?

Can you give a tutorial and source to make the command /chat and /redchat


Re: [ASK] how to create a command!

Zeloit wrote:
BlackFrost wrote:

I am a new member here, if I may ask?

Can you give a tutorial and source to make the command /chat and /redchat

Thanks Zeloit.  big_smile

Posts: 4

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