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Posts: 4


Topic: [ASK] pvpgn web register

i have installed pvpgn web register, and it works for non activation email

but, when i use activation email to register, it says:

jimmy, we have sent you an activation email at Please follow the instructions in this email to activate your account.

but the activation code doesn't send to my email

how to solve this?



Re: [ASK] pvpgn web register

Google for "setup php mail".
Simple function <?php echo mail(""); ?> should send a mail and return "1".

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [ASK] pvpgn web register

do i have to make new file in pvpgn web register?

could you show me the step?

thank you


Re: [ASK] pvpgn web register

This is PHP configuration issue, not a web register script.
The one step is google for "php basics". Simple script is a single file that started with text "<?php ".

Do not ask for support in PM.

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