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Posts: 10


Topic: how to show cg list

how to make a new command like this:
/cg view <number cg>

i want to see who has cg 2, so i type like this:
/cg view 2
it will show username who has cg 2:

/cg view 3, it will show username who has cg 3


anyone could help me ?


Re: how to show cg list

I can help you with MySQL query. Change "7" to cg number you want to find (from 1 to 8):

SELECT username FROM pvpgn_bnet WHERE auth_command_groups & POW(2,7)/2
Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: how to show cg list

i have figured how to make the command, it can be like /admins

but i can't implement the code to make command cg list

anyone, know ?


Re: how to show cg list

Jimmy_Aquarius wrote:

i have figured how to make the command, it can be like /admins
but i can't implement the code to make command cg list
anyone, know ?

look like done on the /cg list and remake. also use



Re: how to show cg list

Works on the principle account_get_commandgroups.  here's the code in "haste arm":

static int _handle_cgonline_command(t_connection * c, char const *text)
    unsigned int    i;
    t_elem const *  curr;
    t_connection *  tc;
    char const *    nick;
    t_channel *    channel;
    channel = conn_get_channel(c);
    std::strcpy(msgtemp, "Admins command group's:");
    i = std::strlen(msgtemp);
    LIST_TRAVERSE_CONST(connlist(), curr)
        tc = (t_connection*)elem_get_data(curr);
        if (!tc)
        if (!conn_get_account(tc))
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 255)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [12345678] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);

        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 64)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [1234567] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 32)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [123456] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 16)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [12345] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 8)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [1234] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 4)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [123] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
        if (account_get_command_groups(conn_get_account(tc)) == 2)

        if ((nick = conn_get_username(tc)))
            if (i + std::strlen(nick) + 2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
                message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);
                i = 0;
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [12] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
            std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i], " %s [1] ", nick);
            i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);

    if (i>0)
        message_send_text(c, message_type_info, c, msgtemp);

    return 0;

6 (edited by Suite 19.02.2014 12:58)

Re: how to show cg list

^ code works if users is online.

7 (edited by Jimmy_Aquarius 19.02.2014 18:29)

Re: how to show cg list

is it possible to show the user that is not online ?


Re: how to show cg list



Re: how to show cg list

XOM91K wrote:


how to make it ?


Re: how to show cg list

t_account -_-

Добавлено: 21.02.2014 20:47

my code to view the vip members. make under itself:

static int _handle_listplayers_command(t_connection * c, char const *text)
  unsigned int    i;
  t_entry *  curr;
  t_account *  tc;
  char const *    nick;

  std::strcpy(msgtemp,"Список VIP-игроков:");
  i = std::strlen(msgtemp);
      tc = (t_account*)entry_get_data(curr);
      if (!tc)
      if (account_get_auth_vip(tc)>0)
      if ((nick = account_get_name(tc)))
          if (i+std::strlen(nick)+2>sizeof(msgtemp)) /* " ", name, '\0' */
          i = 0;
          std::sprintf(&msgtemp[i]," %s", nick);
          i += std::strlen(&msgtemp[i]);
  if (i>0)

  return 0;

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