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Posts: 3

1 (edited by Dante 17.06.2014 13:50)

Topic: how to do this

how to make what you see in the picture

thanks for your time and help

Added: 17.06.2014 04:16

Dante wrote:

how to make what you see in the picture

thanks for your time and help

harpywar, Can you tell me at least the location of this code?



Re: how to do this

I will expore this code and unswer you later, when implement 2x2 ladder. Now I'm busy in other part of pvpgn.
But you can do it before by yourself, and tell me where the location of this code.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: how to do this

HarpyWar wrote:

I will expore this code and unswer you later, when implement 2x2 ladder. Now I'm busy in other part of pvpgn.
But you can do it before by yourself, and tell me where the location of this code.

ok harpywar thanks

not know where the code is modified

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