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Posts: 15

1 (edited by kXander 13.11.2014 10:13)

Topic: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame


I am using this web registration

Creating account works just fine, however when I login inside the game it says that the password is wrong.

If I change password ingame and replace the "actual password" and "new password" fields with the same password I used on web (the password which says it's wrong ... weird), the account works just fine, though.

Any idea what may be wrong?

Using PvPGN v1.99.0-SVN



Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Did you solve the issue? May be account is locked (not activated)?
Also check a password for account in your database using service to make sure password is valid.

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by kXander 02.12.2014 21:23)

Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Nope still not fixed yet. (I haven't turned activation ON yet since the password thing has this issue)
$activation['method'] = "none";

When I register an account from web I get this hash password: ad8e996bfe7bcf3e541f2437fcc9eba69aa0e522b35bc2203898cd7cc8cb21f2ac1537816fe81970 (testreg is pass here)

but when registering an account from pvpgn I get a smaller one (238baf6a39008d123670979ff3580ecd9d1c5a1c - pasword is asd here)

So I get a wrong hash password when registering from web but if I go ingame and click change password instead of logging in and I choose as old password the same password that says it's incorrect on login screen it works just fine.

So my password is "testreg" from the account registered on website. If I try to login inside the game it says the password is incorrect but if I choose to change password and use testreg and new password testreg again the account will work. The password hash is the issue here, no idea why.

Hope you can help me out, thanks


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

It looks you have PHP 64-bit version.
Please, re-download archive with the script. I have replaced a file includes/pvpgn_hash.php there.

Do not ask for support in PM.

5 (edited by kXander 02.12.2014 22:12)

Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Works! You're great man, thanks a lot.

Do you think other script functions could be affected because I m using php64bit? or it was only a hash password script change?

By the way where could I change the Sender Name and include an e-mail subject when sending the activation email ?


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Only a password hash was affected.

You should find suitable PHP SMTP class and use it instead of built-in mail function in includes/mail.php

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

I'm using postfix with gmail SMTP so it works good.

Where could I change the Sender Name and include an e-mail subject when sending the activation email ? (currently sender name and subject is blank)


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

I don't know. It should be available to change in your "postfix" configuration.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Isn't in config.php  $activation['headers'] ?


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

As you can see, these headers are passed into "mail" function when calling it.
I'm not familiar with postfix, if you use it you should know better where set a sender email.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

postfix just allows mails through php (mail) function. Just nevermind postfix, I would like to know where I can add my own subject text in your script smile


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

I'm not author of the script.
Headers works fine with default mail function.

So, it should be postfix problem. For instance check here … m-php-mail or find another solution.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Ah, I see. Thanks again for the help.

Added: 03.12.2014 01:34

new_accounts = false in bnet.conf in order to allow only web registration right?

Also any idea if there is a script that you can recover lost password or reset password from web + email verification ?


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

new_accounts = false disallows registration directly from the games.
You can modify this script, I think this is not very hard if you know PHP. You can use the API to recover lost password from a hash

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] PvPGN Web Registration - Wrong password ingame

Problem is I'm not good with php sad

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