Topic: PvPGN leaks memory
PvPGN (GUI-version...haven't tried console version) leaks memory very fast as you can see in this animated gif
It was compiled from/with … /tag/v2.07
v2.06 had the same problem.
MemoryHooks reports:
Created by MemoryHooks
Dumping leaks from 3 heaviest stacks
Stack #1, total leak size: 327680
call stack:
0x778000eb --> [ntdll] RtlAllocateHeap
0x778504d1 --> [ntdll] RtlQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime
0x777ff9be --> [ntdll] RtlAllocateHeap
0x777fdd57 --> [ntdll] RtlAllocateHeap
0x7151ed63 --> [MSVCR120] malloc
0x0146ccdc --> [PvPGN]
0x01457eb1 --> [PvPGN]
0x013fad35 --> [PvPGN]
0x01455b69 --> [PvPGN]
0x01457b57 --> [PvPGN]
0x0144d36e --> [PvPGN]
0x0146cc39 --> [PvPGN]
0x01481277 --> [PvPGN]
0x75e7919f --> [KERNEL32] BaseThreadInitThunk
0x77810bbb --> [ntdll] RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x77810b91 --> [ntdll] RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x00000000 --> [ntdll]
Allocation size = 32768:
I wonder if MemoryHooks would show function names if PvPGN compiled with DEBUG?
Cppcheck reports these errors
PvPGN compiled with "build_pvpgn.bat rebuild 6 2 2 n"
My server is Windows Server 2012 R2 64bit.
PvPGN compiled with VS Community 2013.
Best regards,