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Topic: Holy crap! I finally got D2GS working with PvPGN.


I was finally able to get D2GS working with PvPGN to start a closed server. I have been trying on and off almost a year to make a Diablo 2 closed server. I actually accomplished it tonight. I'm stoked. Yay for me. Big thanks for PvPGN and D2GS! Thanks also for all the help. If you dig around on the internet and around this forum, you can find all the info you need to get things rolling. I want to try and round it all up and post the method that worked for me on this forum soon. I have a new question that I'm hoping to get an answer for. I am wondering about possibly editing charsave files of closed server characters. Is it possible? I'd like to be able to recreate the characters I used in Open-Bnet into charsave files that can be used in closed games. Thanks for all help.


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