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1 (edited by Joe Schmoe 27.02.2015 05:42)

Topic: I have more questions concerning the nature of PvPGN w/ D2GS

Hello again,

I am asking for help with understanding the way PvPGN & D2GS handle Open bnet games when connecting using the local IP address vs the external IP address. I am testing using 2 computers in the same network. When I connect to the Open bnet with both computers using the local address, I can connect and join games without a problem. When I try to connect to Open bnet with both computers using the external address, I can create games with both, but I cannot get either to join each others' games. I get "Failed to join." If I try one computer using the local address and the other computer using the external address, I can create games with both, but I get the same "Failed to join" message when trying to enter both characters into the same game. Is PvPGN/D2GS designed to work in such a way that computers using the same network as the game server can only connect to Open bnet using the local IP server address? Or should I be able to make it work using the external address inside the network as well?
I need to know the nature of the PvPGN server before I start posting debug logs all over the place. I'd like to get things running properly inside the local connection before I begin testing outside connections. Thank you for ANY reply.  smile

I think my issue may be router configuration to allow communication between local addresses inside my LAN. I'm not 100% positive, but it could be. I'd like to see the PvPGN documentation about router setup, but that documentation doesn't seem to be available as the PvPGN website is down.  sad


Added: 26.02.2015 22:05

Joe Schmoe wrote:

Hello again,

I am asking for help with understanding the way PvPGN & D2GS handle Open bnet games when connecting using the local IP address vs the external IP address. I am testing using 2 computers in the same network. When I connect to the Open bnet with both computers using the local address, I can connect and join games without a problem. When I try to connect to Open bnet with both computers using the external address, I can create games with both, but I cannot get either to join each others' games. I get "Failed to join." If I try one computer using the local address and the other computer using the external address, I can create games with both, but I get the same "Failed to join" message when trying to enter both characters into the same game. Is PvPGN/D2GS designed to work in such a way that computers using the same network as the game server can only connect to Open bnet using the local IP server address? Or should I be able to make it work using the external address inside the network as well?
I need to know the nature of the PvPGN server before I start posting debug logs all over the place. I'd like to get things running properly inside the local connection before I begin testing outside connections. Thank you for ANY reply.  smile

I think my issue may be router configuration to allow communication between local addresses inside my LAN. I'm not 100% positive, but it could be. I'd like to see the PvPGN documentation about router setup, but that documentation doesn't seem to be available as the PvPGN website is down.  sad


I tested connections to the closed server last night and after a few edits to the confs, I was able to get an outside connection to the closed server. Game entry and creation all good. Success. However, I still have problems with the Open bnet games. The outside connection is able to connect via Open bnet and create games, but created games are not listing between outside connections and local connections. Meaning, if I create a game on a local connection in Open bnet, the outside client cannot see it in the list. And vice versa. I'm going to have the outside client forward D2 ports in his router and try again later. Any thoughts?

I am using PvPGN version 1.8.0 and it is working for me. I don't like to change things if they are working.
I have been checking the release notes for PvPGN version changes and for version 1.8.2, I found this note: Fix: Stat string in D2  open mode
I am wondering if because I am using 1.8.0, I am having issues with Open bnet. What is this "Stat string" that was fixed in version 1.8.2?


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