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Posts: 6


Topic: [Solved] D2GS change message

Hello guys, Can anyone tell me how to modify this message

"[D2GS] Non commercial purposes allowed "?? with something like or "Welcome to myserver"

Thank u.

Added: 29.10.2015 16:29

So.. From waht i've heard I need to open the d2gs.exe file with Hex Editor.. But then idk what to do.. can anyone help ?! : }


Re: [Solved] D2GS change message

Can you show a screenshot with this message?

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Re: [Solved] D2GS change message

This message appears when you enter the game in the upper left corner just above D2GS MotD

By default you see this message [D2GS] Non commercial purposes allowed

but it can be changed, just do not know how.They were told that is achievable with Hex Editor.

Added: 30.10.2015 11:53

This is an example image that I downloaded from the internet because my server has not yet been released


Re: [Solved] D2GS change message

The message is hardcoded and it can be modified using a hex editor directly in D2GS.exe. New message length must be equal to the original

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] D2GS change message

Thank u I'll try to edit it now and i'll post again the results.

Added: 30.10.2015 12:23

For 1.09 is different : /

Added: 30.10.2015 12:36

I found this one for 1.10 but for 1.09 i can't find it.. Damn it !!

Added: 30.10.2015 12:37

In this case can the 1.10 GS supports 1.09 Clients ??


Re: [Solved] D2GS change message

It means that there is no this message in D2GS 1.09
Players must use the same Diablo 2 client version that is running on the server.

Do not ask for support in PM.

Posts: 6

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