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Topic: Lock charsave/ file to prevent saving

I want to "lock" this file and it no longer to be saved:


I've tried to check "Read Only", but when I save the hero - PvPGN removes the "Read Only" option and saves the new character.


Re: Lock charsave/ file to prevent saving

check if file is read only c++
You can add this condition when charsave file is opening for save in d2dbs/dbspacket.cpp/dbs_packet_savedata_charsave

Also you can try deny write permission to a file for a user account on which d2dbs is running.

But what is the purpose of this?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Lock charsave/ file to prevent saving

I remember, that the purpose of this was cloning of some items, hehe. For example, we were saving the file on some location, drop the items from it, then replace the old file. But we wanted to make this automatically back then.

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