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Posts: 4


Topic: One register for both PVPGN & Wordpress


I actually tried to integrate pvpgn web register with wordpress. how ever wordpress (or most of forums such as smf etc.) using md5 hash while pvpgn the only using xsha. Is it possible to register both id & password shared to be use for wordpress and pvpgn?


Re: One register for both PVPGN & Wordpress

You should try to change the code so that wordpress uses xsha, and then hash the remaining xsha hashes using sha2 + salt.


Re: One register for both PVPGN & Wordpress

Thanks. It's worth to try. Btw, I'm thinking to change PVPGN hash into md5 like most of blog/forum database use?

4 (edited by xboi209 06.06.2015 11:50)

Re: One register for both PVPGN & Wordpress

No modern software should be using MD5 at all(nor SHA-1 and XSHA-1), it's been warned for many years of weaknesses. Move on to SHA-256 + Salt, modify both PvPGN and your website to use it(if you know how to).
Note my previous post advised you to change WordPress to XSHA-1, that was made under an assumption that you didn't know C/C++ to modify PvPGN.

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