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Topic: You are in line to create a game (Linux)

I'm running a pvpg 1.99.7 server (the last version from git, i think). When i try to create a game in the Closed Realm i always get the same mesage:
"You are in line to create a game, try joining a game to avoid waiting".With Open Realm i don't have any problem. I check d2cs.log and only show tihs:

Jul 01 19:44:43 [info ] on_bnetd_charloginreply: character Batanen authed
Jul 01 19:44:53 [debug] gqlist_update_all_clients: update client batanen position to 1
Jul 01 19:44:53 [info ] gqlist_update_all_clients: total 1 game queues
Jul 01 19:45:54 [debug] gqlist_update_all_clients: update client batanen position to 1
Jul 01 19:45:54 [info ] gqlist_update_all_clients: total 1 game queues

Any idea what can be wrong?


Re: You are in line to create a game (Linux)

Check the similar thread

"You are in line to create a game" means that D2GS is not running or it is not configured to communicate between d2cs.
Check error messages in your bnetd.log, d2cs.log and modify config files to fix the issue.

Do not ask for support in PM.

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