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Posts: 3

1 (edited by Baronet 11.07.2016 15:23)

Topic: [Solved] Characters created on closed sever appearing as open

Hi there, I've installed the latest version of PVPGN and D2GS through the magic builder tool and have finally got my server set up! I can connect perfectly fine, and so can my friends, but when anyone makes a character and enters chat, their characters appear as a brown-robed figure, rather than a normal character. When you hover over them with your cursor, they're listed as open characters.

Is there any way to fix this? I've looked around, but I can't find anything about it, save for a post on the git about flags.

Is this an issue with the latest version? Or is it just because I've forgotten to set something in my options? Here is an example of my issue.

Any help would be very appreciated.


Re: [Solved] Characters created on closed sever appearing as open

The problem is only display in a chat?

Добавлено: 11.07.2016 19:38

Try disable a parameter in icons.conf:
custom_icons = false

Do not ask for support in PM.
+1 b1n


Re: [Solved] Characters created on closed sever appearing as open

That seemed to fix it! Thanks so much for the quick reply, you're awesome, Harpy!

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