Topic: [Solved] How auto update works? D2GS and PvPGN
Hello, I want to enable auto update the client on connecting to my server
How it works?
I'm changing this on bnetd.conf:
allowed_clients = d2xp
skip_versioncheck = false
allow_bad_version = false
allow_unknown_version = false
version_exeinfo_match = none
version_exeinfo_maxdiff = 0
Then I saw a autoupdateurl on d2gs reg file, for what is this for?
What I need is to check if the client has 1.13c installed, if not, update it and check Patch_D2.mpq to our version (we modified some things), if isn't the same Patch_d2.mpq update it too
I'm seeing at autoupdate.conf
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_107 D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_108 D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_109 D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_109B D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_109C D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_109D D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_110 D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
#IX86 D2XP D2XP_111 D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq
This file: D2XP_IX86_1xx_112A.mpq will be downloaded? And how it works? This will be the Patch_D2.mpq?
And in versioncheck I'm leaving just what I want to connect. D2xp 1.13c (no patch_d2.mpq check here?)
Edit: Got the mpq from and Added all the files that I've changed in Patch_D2.mpq..
But.. if I update the features on that MPQ again, how it will verify?
Added: 27.07.2016 05:47
Made some tests, no success.
bnetd (trying to force an error with the exe verification exact)
allowed_clients = d2xp
skip_versioncheck = false
allow_bad_version = false
allow_unknown_version = false
version_exeinfo_match = exact
version_exeinfo_maxdiff = 0
IX86 D2XP D2XP_107 D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_108 D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_109 D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_109B D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_109C D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_109D D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_110 D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_111 D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq
IX86 D2XP D2XP_113C D2XP_IX86_1xx_113C.mpq (again trying to get any error)
# Diablo II - LoD (Expansion) 1.13c
"A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B" \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
D2XP \
"Game.exe 03/09/10 04:10:51 51440" \ (again trying the error, the correct here is 61440)
0x0000000d \ \
0x7686beca \
And nothing happens, I can connect normaly:
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] sd_accept: [404] accepted connection from on
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] conn_create: [404][388] sessionkey=0x57989316 sessionnum=0x00000001
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] handle_init_packet: [404] client initiated bnet connection
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [404] setting client arch to "IX86"
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [404] setting client type to "D2XP"
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [404] setting client gamelang to "enUS"
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] _client_authreq109: [404] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x1af61c20, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 03/09/10 04:10:51 61440" versionid=0x0000000d gameversion=0x01000d00 checksum=0x7686beca
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_113C
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] _client_authreq109: [404] client matches versiontag "D2XP_113C"
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] _client_authreq109: [404] no upgrade for D2XP_113C is available
Jul 27 05:41:44 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [404] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
The first with a truly connected auction house