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Topic: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

how to do this
Can somebody help me

2 (edited by HarpyWar 23.08.2016 18:18)

Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

You can use Hero Editor or ATMA II to edit .d2s character file (from charsave dir).
But it also needed to edit charinfo file.

There is only a single byte at position 180(0x84) that value should be set to 101(0x65) to set a character state to hardcore+ladder+undead. Or set value to 37(0x25) to hardcore+nonladder+undead.

// set ladder and dead flags
//  $softcore (softcore = true | hardcore = false)
//  $ladder (ladder = true | nonladder = false)
//  $dead (dead = true | live = false)
//  $charinfo (charinfo = true | charsave = false)
public function setLadderDeadFlag($softcore = true, $ladder = true, $dead = false, $charinfo = false) 
    $type[0][0][0] = 37; // hardcore - nonladder - live
    $type[0][0][1] = 44; // hardcore - nonladder - dead
    $type[0][1][0] = 101; // hardcore - ladder - live
    $type[0][1][1] = 108; // hardcore - ladder - dead
    $type[1][0][0] = 33; // softcore - nonladder - live
    $type[1][0][1] = 40; // softcore - nonladder - dead
    $type[1][1][0] = 97; // softcore - ladder - live
    $type[1][1][1] = 104; // softcore - ladder - dead
    // position
    $pos = (!$charinfo) ? $pos = 36 : $pos = 180;

    $value = chr( $type[$softcore][$ladder][$dead] );

    $this->setValue($value, $pos, 1);

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

How to edit files from charinfo Folder ?  sad


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

Any hex editor or use the PHP script above.

Do not ask for support in PM.

5 (edited by jairfabricio 19.01.2017 00:12)

Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

With Hex Editor, what number edit!
for to use the other option, how to uso PhP Script to edit a Charinfo file?


6 (edited by turrete 19.01.2017 01:28)

Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

HarpyWar wrote:

You can use Hero Editor or ATMA II to edit .d2s character file (from charsave dir).
But it also needed to edit charinfo file.

There is only a single byte at position 180(0x84) that value should be set to 101(0x65) to set a character state to hardcore+ladder+undead. Or set value to 37(0x25) to hardcore+nonladder+undead.

// set ladder and dead flags
//  $softcore (softcore = true | hardcore = false)
//  $ladder (ladder = true | nonladder = false)
//  $dead (dead = true | live = false)
//  $charinfo (charinfo = true | charsave = false)
public function setLadderDeadFlag($softcore = true, $ladder = true, $dead = false, $charinfo = false) 
    $type[0][0][0] = 37; // hardcore - nonladder - live
    $type[0][0][1] = 44; // hardcore - nonladder - dead
    $type[0][1][0] = 101; // hardcore - ladder - live
    $type[0][1][1] = 108; // hardcore - ladder - dead
    $type[1][0][0] = 33; // softcore - nonladder - live
    $type[1][0][1] = 40; // softcore - nonladder - dead
    $type[1][1][0] = 97; // softcore - ladder - live
    $type[1][1][1] = 104; // softcore - ladder - dead
    // position
    $pos = (!$charinfo) ? $pos = 36 : $pos = 180;

    $value = chr( $type[$softcore][$ladder][$dead] );

    $this->setValue($value, $pos, 1);

Hi Harpy, can u show me an example of how to call the class for change a file called "test" for instanse.
Thanks in advance,

best regards!


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

Examples of the class usage are here

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Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

how to use a txt file ?


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

Its possible change a name of character ?


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

Solved. other method more Easy!

1. Go to folder charsave, select the character, open with hero editor and select revive! (Save the file)
2. Go to folder charinfo and delete name of character
3. Login in account of player with death character and delete pj. Create a same pj with exact name and hardcore difficult.
4. Put file create in one step in charsave, and replace old character.
5. You have a revived character

Sorry for my bad english. smile


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

jairfabricio wrote:

Its possible change a name of character ?

The example of rename character is above.
You can rename the txt  file to php, change paths and character name inside, and run it "php.exe rename_example.php".

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

doesn't this break the concept of hardcore?


Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?

Maybe. I have revived someone on my server before as it lagged out while I was in-game with them and he died.  There are reasons to be able to do this.

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Re: [Solved] How to revive Hardcore Character ?


- copy the * char from the "charsave" folder
- edit it with HeroEditor 1.04 (Retrieving his death)
- Delete the character of the account
- Create a character with the same name
- Create a room with this character
- Copy and replace the * char file you edited with HeroEditor

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