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Posts: 2


Topic: Disable "!" character in games, D2GS

Hi there! Any advice on this?

I need to disable the "!" character on my server's games, but i couldn't manage to find how to do this on d2gs.  sad

I would really appreciate any help you can provide  smile

Added: 14.11.2016 00:55



Re: Disable "!" character in games, D2GS

I see two ways:
a) Modify source of D2GS to implement this restriction. You can use tesseract build for that, and of course you should know how to install it on your server. Run this build is slightly different from original D2GS.
b) If you're a programmer, you can create own proxy program, that will handle and reject illegitimate packets (like "!" in a message) before it reach D2GS. It is possible using winpcap, for example.

Do not ask for support in PM.

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