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Posts: 2


Topic: Pvpgn question

Hello, I can't like change to a newer pvpgn from pvpgn-1.8.5 without getting errors? I tried download the next generation of pvpgn, from here and also from the dropbox by haprywar.  I can get it up an running fine but it seems not to work well, with chars/accounts from pvpgn-1.8.5 and also the patch client does not seems to work either, i get "unhandled exception" on d2. Is the files not the same? Or is it because I turning off lua(removing the folder)? (cus this seems not to work still for me.).


Re: Pvpgn question

Configuration files structure was reorganized and part of them were modified. So it's not compatible with old versions.
But a database table structure was not modified.
You can install and setup pvpgn-pro in a new directory and connect to your old database.

Do not ask for support in PM.

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