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Posts: 2


Topic: Warcraft 3 Anti Cheat Library

I need a simple Warcraft 3 Anti Cheat Library. It can be native c# code or a C++ COM DLL that I can load in my C# client .

The library should contain a method that returns true if maphack is used . You'll probably have to find the memory offsets modified by various maphacks for Warcraft 3 1.27 and 1.27b .
It's a simple library, probably less than 50 lines of code .

If anyone here is interested, leave me a price quote .

2 (edited by Karaulov 18.02.2017 12:14)

Re: Warcraft 3 Anti Cheat Library

You can just use "compare memory"

Very simple and easy.

1. Save game.dll 'code' and 'readonly' sections crc32 after inject game.dll and after all modifications
2. Periodic compare crc32 , if changed -> cheat detected.
3. less than 50 lines of code.

To get sections size and virtual address you can use any PE editor (for example NTCore Explorer Suite)

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