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Posts: 6


Topic: d2gs isnt working.

Installed d2gs for diablo 2 lod 1.10. Windows service started and working but i cant connect to it.


@="Diablo II Close Game Server"
"MOTD"="Hello world!"


;Standard windows INI file format


[World Event]

;update interval in seconds

;Notes: even if DC spawns in non-hell difficulty, it can only drop USC in hell difficulty
;e.g: Difficulty=normal,nightmare,hell means spawn DC in any difficulty

;you will be happy when SpawnMinions set to non zero...


;World event trigger item config
Item=The Stone of Jordan

;Total items needed to trigger DC is:
;[ItemRangeMin, ItemRangeMax] + (ItemNormalGameFactor * NormalGames)/100
;+ (ItemNormalPlayerFactor * NormalPlayers)/100 + ...
;NormalGame, NormalPlayers ... all are current dyanmic count on this server


Mods = code=key

[The Stone of Jordan]
Mods = code=rin & quality=unique & prefix=122

[7% mf sc]
Mods = code=cm1 & quality=magical & mf=7

[UM Rune]
Mods = code=r22

[Unique or Set ring]
Mods = code=rin & quality=unique, quality=set

[UnID unique ring or unID set amulet]
Mods = code=rin & quality=unique | code=amu & quality=set

;Item Format:
;Logical operators:
;'|' ';'     high priority OR
;'&'         normal priority AND
;','         low priority OR
;mod1 | mod2, mod3 & mod4 = mod1 ; mod2, mod3 & mod4 = mod1 || ((mod2 || mod3) && mod4) (unsupported c like expression)
;all spaces are ignored
;any character after '/' will be treated as comment and ignored

;Mod format:
;[mod] [<|=|>|<=|>=] [value]
;Currently supported mod list:
;Type -> item base type id
;can be found from weapons.txt armor.txt misc.txt
;notes: the ID start from 0 instead of 1

;code -> item code
;can be found from weapons.txt armor.txt misc.txt

;quality -> tempered, craft,unique,set,rare,magical,superior,normal,inferior

;prefix -> item prefix id
;actually, for unique/set/runeword items, it is the name index.
;can be found from UniqueItems.txt, SetItems.txt, Runes.txt
;notes: the ID start from 0 instead of 1

;ilvl -> item ilvl

;stat[n] -> stats value
;see ItemStatCost.txt ID column

;flag[n] -> item flag value
;see alias for common used flags

;MPQVersion -> item version
;ItemClassic for classic item, ItemExpansion for expansion item, ItemExpansion110 for items after 1.10

;Common used alias
;socket = number of socket
;ethereal = [1|0]
;ear = [1|0]
;runeword = [1|0]
;broken = [1|0]
;identified = [1/0]
;personalized = [1/0]
;gems = number of gems socketed

;unsupported now
;gem[n] = mod of certain gem
;suffix = item suffix id
;and item magical prefix/suffix, use Stat[n] to check them now
;e.g: mf=7 & code=cm1 or stat80=7 & code=cm1 means 7% mf sc

And part of logs/d2gs.log

01/20 15:18:07.055 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry
01/20 15:18:13.055 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry
01/20 15:18:19.055 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry
01/20 15:18:25.056 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry
01/20 15:18:31.056 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry
01/20 15:18:31.586 main: I am going to stop
01/20 15:18:31.587 SaveAllGamesThread: Calling D2GSEndAllGames()
01/20 15:18:31.587 SaveAllGamesThread: Waiting for all games to be saved
01/20 15:18:31.587 SaveAllGamesThread: All games saved

d2gs.log not in the logs folder full of "01/20 15:18:31.056 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Failed connecting to D2DBS, wait to retry" messages.

2 (edited by napstar 21.01.2017 20:21)

Re: d2gs isnt working.

First of all you should rename d2server.ini to D2Server.ini
I've had problems with that.
Then you should make sure you set up d2cs.conf and d2dbs.conf correctly.
If it doesnt help, make sure d2cs and d2dbs is running, and post d2dbs.log


Re: d2gs isnt working.

napstar wrote:

First of all you should rename d2server.ini to D2Server.ini
I've had problems with that.
Then you should make sure you set up d2cs.conf and d2dbs.conf correctly.
If it doesnt help, make sure d2cs and d2dbs is running, and post d2dbs.log

I used pvpgn magic builder and dont have any files named d2bs.
d2gs directory on pic


Re: d2gs isnt working.

AccessDenied wrote:
napstar wrote:

First of all you should rename d2server.ini to D2Server.ini
I've had problems with that.
Then you should make sure you set up d2cs.conf and d2dbs.conf correctly.
If it doesnt help, make sure d2cs and d2dbs is running, and post d2dbs.log

I used pvpgn magic builder and dont have any files named d2bs.
d2gs directory on pic

You need a PvPGN server with d2cs and d2dbs for d2gs to work. That folder is just the d2gs folder.


Re: d2gs isnt working.

napstar wrote:

You need a PvPGN server with d2cs and d2dbs for d2gs to work. That folder is just the d2gs folder.

I builded that but dont know what i need to do next. And cant find guide.


Re: d2gs isnt working.

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions

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