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Posts: 4


Topic: High Ping Diablo II

Hi guys,

I have a PVPGN server works fine but in Diablo II have high latency sometimes, the command /PING show a static value so I use the command /FPS and the ping go from 60/80 to 150/230 ms - It's a i7 with 4 gb of ram - And I have another server running of a FPS (CS) and don't have this lag spikes, have a constant between 60/80 ms.-

It's possible to improve this? More cpu priority of some process, or in the settings ?


Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: High Ping Diablo II

GecKoTDF wrote:

Hi guys,

I have a PVPGN server works fine but in Diablo II have high latency sometimes, the command /PING show a static value so I use the command /FPS and the ping go from 60/80 to 150/230 ms - It's a i7 with 4 gb of ram - And I have another server running of a FPS (CS) and don't have this lag spikes, have a constant between 60/80 ms.-

It's possible to improve this? More cpu priority of some process, or in the settings ?


Check firewalls etc. i run on old i3 with 4gb of ram and no problems

3 (edited by GecKoTDF 01.03.2017 16:32)

Re: High Ping Diablo II

napstar wrote:

Check firewalls etc. i run on old i3 with 4gb of ram and no problems

Check my firewall I disabled - check my router have DMZ in the PC of my IP and in the server don't have firewall.-
I check the "ping" in Diablo II and running a CMD doing a ping to the server and not have the same thing in diablo 2 have random 60/80 / 240 / 300 ms - And the CMD have a solid 60/62 ms.-

I try closing everything in the server just left the PVPGN server and it's the same - Try to change the affinity of CPU and it's the same.-


I detect it's when you are moving the player around the map try it in two different pc's

Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: High Ping Diablo II

Does lag appear on a server or on a client side?
I mean could you check /FPS on two different game clients on different machines at the same time.

Do not ask for support in PM.

Posts: 4

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