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Posts: 7


Topic: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

I'd like to know if it is possible to set two items at the same time to start Diablo Clone event. What I would like to do is to start Dclone event by selling either Sur or Zod runes, is this possible?

Any help is welcomed


Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

I guess it's possible in the context of editing a config.

If you look in d2server.ini example, you will see that there "|" symbol used, and it should mean "OR" operator:

d2server.ini wrote:

[UnID unique ring or unID set amulet]
Mods = code=rin & quality=unique | code=amu & quality=set

So, you can try add a new section and assign it to "Item" option.

Mods = code=r29 | code=r33

Codes for these two runes I found in HeroEditor

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3 (edited by shopero de CP 04.04.2017 18:18)

Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

Unfortunately it didn't work. Ofc I tried disabling/enabling the event and restarting the server to make sure the changes went thru but the event isn't working for Zod Rune but it does with Sur Rune for some reason


Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

d2server.ini wrote:

;'|' ';'     high priority OR
;'&'         normal priority AND
;','         low priority OR

May be try ";" or "," instead

Mods = code=r29 , code=r33
Mods = code=r29 ; code=r33
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Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

I been trying different configs as you kindly suggested but none of them seems to work for me at least.

I tried all the following codes

Mods = code=r29 | code=r33

Mods = code=r29 , code=r33

Mods = code=r29 ; code=r33

Mods = code=r29 & code=r33

Could there be anything else I could try by any chance?


Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

No idea why it doesn't work, it should, according to the description in the config.
We have no code sources or a developer contact to fix the issue.

May be you do something wrong? A phantom config file in non used path location, syntax error in the config, etc.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Need some help with Diablo Clone event

better try on a fresh reinstall, it has to work.

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