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Posts: 7


Topic: A few errors

Hello and nice day,

everythng seems to work fine, but there are a few errors that i saw in the pvpgn.exe window, so I put them here, maybe i will help you to fix some bugs
it is the last mysql version, set up for plain text

When I first run pvpgn.exe this error shows up:
Apr 27 10:11:49 [error] pvpgn::bnetd::friendlist_unload: got NULL flist

it displays so much times how many users i have registered

When I just restart the server from the upper menu, without quitting the whole program, this error shows up:
Apr 27 10:16:14 [error] pvpgn::_process_option: option 'w2bn_iconfile' unknown

and when I have starcraft disabled, i do not need the starcraft antihack, or is it functional for warcraft 2? when no how to properly disable it or delete at all?

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: A few errors

Starcraft anti maphack can be disabled in lua/config.lua. It's only for Starcraft, not Warcraft 2.

By these errors I created an issue on github

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: A few errors

thank you, i managed to disable that antimaphack for sc...

I am not sure too, how the statistics are processed in WarCraft 2 when using plain text, because after a few games, when I use /stats command, there are zeros everywhere in ladder and in normal games 0/0/0 for me, and when i use it for other player who has some wins and losses, the stats show zeros too, only in my logging screen where is my name and i write the password, there is correctly displayed only the Last Game outcome but everywhere are zeros too. The statistics are stored in files correctly, i checked them

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: A few errors

Here are two another ones error more

this one seems to occur in Diablo and maybe WarCraft 2, I am not sure about htis version, did not occur in diablo 2

[error] pvpgn::bnetd::plain_write_attrs: attribute with NULL val in list
[error] pvpgn::bnetd::plain_write_attrs: could not save attribute key="BNET\acct\lastlogin_owner"

and Diablo 2 has this

May 24 12:43:16 [error] pvpgn::bnetd::bngtype_to_gtype: unknown Diablo II bnet game type "D2XP" 12
May 24 12:43:16 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::game_create: game "Saradsmejem" (pass "") type 0(NONE) startver 4 created
May 24 12:43:16 [error] pvpgn::bnetd::bngoption_to_goption: unknown Diablo II game type "D2XP" 0

dunno why, I use 1.12version of Diablo LoD.

These errors seem do not affect me in any way i know, but the statistics in WarCraft 2 arer eally strange, was not able to make it work, could You please try to help me at least with this? or u do not know too why this occur?I know that not many people use the plain text saving in pvpgn, or do u advise to try to use the database? there were more errors in previous versions of pvpgn, so that is why i moved back to plain text.

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: A few errors

I advice to use any sql database instead of plain text. Try the latest pvpgn, If you will see any additional errors then let us know.

Brut wrote:

Apr 27 10:16:14 [error] pvpgn::_process_option: option 'w2bn_iconfile' unknown

As @RElesgoe remarked on github, it should be your modified pvpgn source code issue. We have not a parameter "w2bn_iconfile" anywhere.

Brut wrote:

[error] pvpgn::bnetd::plain_write_attrs: attribute with NULL val in list
[error] pvpgn::bnetd::plain_write_attrs: could not save attribute key="BNET\acct\lastlogin_owner"

Actually these two "errors" should not be errors. In this case lastlogin_owner is NULL somehow, may be a client send NULL or empty "owner" string. As you can see this "error" is logged only in plain mode … in.cpp#L78

You can help us to determine what should we do with this error:
1. Change "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II" parameter "Last BNet" to empty (it's game owner).
2. Login to your server and see will the error appear or not.
3. If yes then modify that parameter back to something not empty.
4. Try login again and make sure that that error doesn't appear anymore in logs, or still appear.

Brut wrote:

May 24 12:43:16 [error] pvpgn::bnetd::bngtype_to_gtype: unknown Diablo II bnet game type "D2XP" 12

There is constants for diablo 2 game types … 2684-L2687
But there is no defined type with value "12" (from your log). I guess we also should add CLIENT_GAMETYPE_DIABLO2_CLOSE_NORMAL, CLIENT_GAMETYPE_DIABLO2_CLOSE_NIGHTMARE and CLIENT_GAMETYPE_DIABLO2_CLOSE_HELL, but we have to know exact constant values for it.
Could you reseach which game types are available but still not defined in pvpgn code?
For this you can create different games (normal/nightmare/hell) with open/closed mode and see in logs for which gametypes this error appeared.

Brut wrote:

May 24 12:43:16 [error] pvpgn::bnetd::bngoption_to_goption: unknown Diablo II game type "D2XP" 0

This error should be a consequence of the previous.

Do not ask for support in PM.

6 (edited by Brut 24.05.2017 23:29)

Re: A few errors

I know, but in pvpgn i like the plain text the most, and do not have much time to go again to mysql, at least I can help you fix some things as not very much people use this versions and this games in their pvpgn, most of them go for sc and w3.
And I hope we can manage to fix the stats in w2, I do not need them to display in a webpage, just in pvpgn. But I will see what the future brings

For now I checked what I could and here are the results:

RElesgoe was true "w2bn_iconfile" was my old edit in this config, that i forgot about, thanks for letting me know.

The last login owner bug does not occur with diablo 2, it occured with diablo and i think with w2 too (not 100 percent sure now) but I checked the registry and the key "Last BNet" was not preset in d1 and w2 registry, only in D2. I created it manually, and D1 does this error still, but it seems w2 not.

I do not know what you mean with open/close mode in d2, I have just open bnet, no realm, but I think I manage to get the D2 error reason, It does only when creating a game with hardcore character.

If there is more I can do or test tell me.

//EDIT 12 is hardcore normal, 13 hardcore nightmare and 14 hardcore hell
it is the LoD version, maybe original version without datadisc will have another numbers, but i cannot test this

btw why when creating a game in d2LoD i have the options for setting max number of players and character difference greyed out and unable to set? is it normal behavior?

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: A few errors

I added missing gametypes for Diablo 2.
"attribute with NULL val in list" in log switched from error to debug with replace of NULL value to empty string.

It seems you use Open, not Closed … mp;lang=en
Max number of players and character difference are available only on a Closed server.

You should describe better what's wrong with Warcraft 2 ladder. Add some screenshots.

Continuation of the topic related to Warcraft 2 issue

Do not ask for support in PM.

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