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Posts: 15


Topic: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Hi !

I recently learned how to do a Diablo 2 pvpgn server and I had a lot of work to make it running.

Now the ports are open, server is running and people already can create accounts and log in.

The issue is that no one can (except me) create games and they can't see even the games I create to join.

I made a lot of research on the internet but can't find a answer to this problem.

Log when someone try to creat game

+ show spoiler

Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] d2cs_game_create: game K pass= desc= gameflag=0x00300004 created (1 total)
Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] on_client_creategamereq: request create game K on gs 1
Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] on_d2gs_creategamereply: game K created on gs 1
Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] on_client_joingamereq: request join game K for character Elpiehla on gs 1
Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: added Elpiehla to game K on gs 1
Apr 27 17:32:43 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Apr 27 17:32:43 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
Apr 27 17:32:43 [debug] trans_net: translated to
Apr 27 17:32:43 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: no translation required for gamserver
Apr 27 17:32:44 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [420] closed connection 5 (3 left)
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=6 socket=420 (4 current connections)
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] on_d2cs_initconn: [420] client initiated d2cs connection
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] on_client_loginreq: got client (*elpiehloko) login request sessionnum=0x5
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] on_bnetd_accountloginreply: account elpiehloko authed
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] on_client_charloginreq: got character Elpiehla(*elpiehloko) login request
Apr 27 17:33:26 [info ] on_bnetd_charloginreply: character Elpiehla authed
Apr 27 17:33:30 [info ] on_d2gs_creategamereply: game Solo created on gs 1
Apr 27 17:33:30 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [440] closed connection 4 (3 left)
Apr 27 17:33:40 [debug] on_client_charlistreq_110: adding char elpiehla (*elpiehloko)
Apr 27 17:33:42 [info ] game_destroy: game K removed from game list (1 left)

I hope I made myself clear.

Somebody help please !!


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Can people make characters?

And in the lobby do they appear as open bnet or characters?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Hi, is a lan only server ?
if not, did u check address_traslation?


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Meanski wrote:

Can people make characters?

And in the lobby do they appear as open bnet or characters?

No, they can't.

Appears a message saying:

Diablo II was unable to connect to the realm server. The realm you selected may be unavailable or you may be encountering connection issues. Please make suse your internet connection is working properly and/or your firewall has port 6112 opened.

But, if the realm is wrong, why people in the internal ip can create characters and do all normal.

And if port 6112 it was closed, they shouldn't  log in

Added: 28.04.2017 20:54

turrete wrote:

Hi, is a lan only server ?
if not, did u check address_traslation?

No, it's a wan server and yes I already check address_translation and the ip it's correct


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Sounds like not everything is syncing/connected correctly.

Could you post the output of some log files:

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Meanski wrote:

Sounds like not everything is syncing/connected correctly.

Could you post the output of some log files:


+ show spoiler
May 02 21:52:15 [info ] server_main: D2CS Version Built Feb 26 2009
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2gs_create: added game server (id: 1) to list
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2ladder_init: ladder data initialized
May 02 21:52:16 [debug] trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
May 02 21:52:16 [debug] trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
May 02 21:52:16 [debug] trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
May 02 21:52:16 [debug] trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (include)
May 02 21:52:16 [debug] trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] trans_load: trans file loaded
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] fdw_select_init: fdwatch select() based layer initialized (max 1000 sockets)
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] server_main: server initialized
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2cs_server_process: network initialized
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=1 socket=860 (1 current connections)
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] server_listen: listen on
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2cs_server_process: entering server loop
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] conn_handle_connecting: connected to
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] handle_bnetd_init: sent init class packet to bnetd
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] on_bnetd_authreq: received bnetd sessionnum 0
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] on_bnetd_authreply: authed by bnetd
May 02 21:52:16 [info ] d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=2 socket=864 (2 current connections)
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] on_d2gs_initconn: [864] client initiated d2gs connection
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=2)
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] on_d2gs_authreply: game server authed
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] d2gs_active: game server (id: 1) actived (1 total)
May 02 21:52:19 [info ] on_d2gs_setgsinfo: change game server max game from 0 to 10 (0 current)


+ show spoiler
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] server_main: D2DBS Version Built Feb 26 2009 22:25:23
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] server_main: server initialized
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] dbs_server_main: establishing the listener...
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0x2E69CA2A)
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0x2E69CA2A)
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: backup ladder file
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: ladder file saved (8 changes)
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] dbs_server_main: waiting for connections...
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0x2E69CA2A)
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: backup ladder file
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: ladder file saved (0 changes)
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 856 .
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] setsockopt_keepalive: set KEEPALIVE option for socket 856
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] dbs_verify_ipaddr: ip address is valid
May 02 21:52:13 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 856


+ show spoiler
Apr 30 16:24:59 [error] handle_init_packet: [720] client requested unknown class 0x71 (length 1) (closing connection)
Apr 30 16:32:05 [error] packet_get_size: packet has bad size 29285
Apr 30 16:32:05 [error] packet_get_size: packet has bad size 29285
Apr 30 16:36:47 [error] handle_init_packet: [896] client requested unknown class 0x63 (length 1) (closing connection)

Now I see the error in bnetd.log.

But still don't know what to do.

7 (edited by john007 03.05.2017 20:40)

Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Are you using 1.8.5 pvpgn and 1.13c d2gs? I find no problems on these two setup and very easy. Use all your LAN IPs to all files except address_translation ones which should be WAN IPs if you are doing public server.


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

john007 wrote:

Are you using 1.8.5 pvpgn and 1.13c d2gs? I find no problems on these two setup and very easy. Use all your LAN IPs to all files except address_translation ones which should be WAN IPs if you are doing public server.

I didn't know that in address_translation should be WAN IPs.

I see a video on youtube to help-me with all the configuration, but in the video he put the same IP in all the files.

Gonna make a try in a hour or two with your recomendation.


I changed all the Internal IP in the address_translation file to my External IP but still doesn't work sad

9 (edited by john007 04.05.2017 02:18)

Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Then you should open all the necessarily ports for your LAN IP. If you are getting realm down or not available.

Yeah I saw the same YouTube videos as you did too. That only works on LAN IP which he was using.

These are the ports I have it opened.

Traffic type=Any(both)

It works flawless.


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

john007 wrote:

Then you should open all the necessarily ports for your LAN IP. If you are getting realm down or not available.

Yeah I saw the same YouTube videos as you did too. That only works on LAN IP which he was using.

These are the ports I have it opened.

Traffic type=Any(both)

It works flawless.

Be careful about opening the 8888 port to the wan, that can be a security issue.


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

12 (edited by john007 07.05.2017 08:58)

Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

igor_aribeiro wrote:

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

The exp rate tables should be inside your d2_patch.mpg files you need mpq tools to read it and edit.

I don't think you can edit your character files on pvpgn. The save character file is read as File extension. The hero editor won't be able to read it. Maybe you can try and change the extension of the file then load it up on hero editor then rename its extension back. Not sure will work or not just a guess here hahaha


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

john007 wrote:
igor_aribeiro wrote:

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

The exp rate tables should be inside your d2_patch.mpg files you need mpq tools to read it and edit.

I don't think you can edit your character files on pvpgn. The save character file is read as File extension. The hero editor won't be able to read it. Maybe you can try and change the extension of the file then load it up on hero editor then rename its extension back. Not sure will work or not just a guess here hahaha

Yes, you can hack a 'Moderator' character for bot checking or whatever you need it for.

  • Simply find the character file in /charsave/

  • Download your selected charsave file

  • Add .d2s on to the end of the file

  • Open in your fav hero editor, then save

  • Remove the .d2s file extension from the file, don't worry about any weird OS errors it throws you

  • Re-upload that file to the server

  • Boom.

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

Meanski wrote:
john007 wrote:
igor_aribeiro wrote:

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

The exp rate tables should be inside your d2_patch.mpg files you need mpq tools to read it and edit.

I don't think you can edit your character files on pvpgn. The save character file is read as File extension. The hero editor won't be able to read it. Maybe you can try and change the extension of the file then load it up on hero editor then rename its extension back. Not sure will work or not just a guess here hahaha

Yes, you can hack a 'Moderator' character for bot checking or whatever you need it for.

  • Simply find the character file in /charsave/

  • Download your selected charsave file

  • Add .d2s on to the end of the file

  • Open in your fav hero editor, then save

  • Remove the .d2s file extension from the file, don't worry about any weird OS errors it throws you

  • Re-upload that file to the server

  • Boom.

Great! Thanks for the confirmation Meanski...


Re: Others can't join or create games in my pvpgn server.

john007 wrote:
igor_aribeiro wrote:

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

The exp rate tables should be inside your d2_patch.mpg files you need mpq tools to read it and edit.

I don't think you can edit your character files on pvpgn. The save character file is read as File extension. The hero editor won't be able to read it. Maybe you can try and change the extension of the file then load it up on hero editor then rename its extension back. Not sure will work or not just a guess here hahaha

I found the exp file in the Patch_D2.mpq... Thanks !

Added: 11.05.2017 12:11

Meanski wrote:
john007 wrote:
igor_aribeiro wrote:

I finally made it.

I change de input ip from address_traslation to my internal ip and the output ip to my external ip.

And now it's 100% OK !

Thx for all the help guys

Added: 06.05.2017 00:11

Since I don't want to open another topic, I ask here.

How can I increase the xp rate  ?

And I can make one character with admin skills and lvls like a really strong character ?

Just for adm purpose.

The exp rate tables should be inside your d2_patch.mpg files you need mpq tools to read it and edit.

I don't think you can edit your character files on pvpgn. The save character file is read as File extension. The hero editor won't be able to read it. Maybe you can try and change the extension of the file then load it up on hero editor then rename its extension back. Not sure will work or not just a guess here hahaha

Yes, you can hack a 'Moderator' character for bot checking or whatever you need it for.

  • Simply find the character file in /charsave/

  • Download your selected charsave file

  • Add .d2s on to the end of the file

  • Open in your fav hero editor, then save

  • Remove the .d2s file extension from the file, don't worry about any weird OS errors it throws you

  • Re-upload that file to the server

  • Boom.

Thank you, now I have a Moderator character just like I imagine.

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