Topic: D2GS being crashed
Good night people, im having a issue since some days.. some people started to join my server and crashed my GameServer, the log is this:
04/27 21:28:10.332 D2GSCBSaveDatabaseCharacter: Save CHARSAVE for name(*account)
04/27 21:28:10.347 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARSAVE> data to D2DBS for name success
04/27 21:28:11.379 D2GSErrorHandle: Error occur, exiting...
It smells like Redvex buuuut, as i have configured on my server the d2warden is turned ON
BUT when i start my D2GS it says this on D2GSLib-Debug:
2017/4/27 22:58:17.613 DebugSetACData: Anti-Cheating is disabled, total 0 AC data
If someone can help me with this problem it will be very appreciated, Cheers!