HarpyWar wrote:Did you solve the issue when no one can create a game?
Well, i've made the register system manually since it started to happend and yes, it was fixed on that way
as i saw the problem was made because some kind of people joined with a kind of "hack/exploit/modification" to make my D2GS.exe crash or lock the game creation/join
As you can see on the logs, pay attention to this events:
04/28 22:52:00.082 D2GSCBSaveDatabaseCharacter: Save CHARSAVE for LsX-Runero(*young)
04/28 22:52:00.082 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARSAVE> data to D2DBS for lsx-runero success
04/28 22:52:00.957 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Qwerty', id=6(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
04/28 22:52:00.957 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Unlock char LsX-Runero(*young) with unfinished loading status
04/28 22:52:00.957 D2GSSetCharLockStatus: Set charlock status to UNLOCKED for LsX-Runero(*young)@Inferno
04/28 22:52:00.957 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete zombie char LsX-Runero(*young)
04/28 22:52:00.957 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 1(1) character in game 'Qwerty' (6)
2017/4/28 22:52:00.082 [critical] @Qwerty: exception C0000005 occured when updating game events 6FD8C00B
2017/4/28 22:52:00.082 [debug] LsX-Runero(*young)@Qwerty: saving character LsX-Runero during error callback
2017/4/28 22:52:00.082 [critical] @: got exception C0000005 when close game 6FDB65D7
2017/4/28 22:52:00.957 [critical] @Qwerty: exception C0000005 occured when updating game events 6FD8BA47
2017/4/28 22:52:00.957 [critical] @: got exception C0000005 when close game 6FDB6765
This user was one of the guys crashing the GS