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1 (edited by hehpe 16.05.2017 20:34)

Topic: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

Hi everyone I have compiled pvpgn 1.99-svn and wine 1.6.2 with the sock patch but still can't  create games. When I enter in the admin console in D2GS and type status it says current max game is set to 0. when I type maxgame 200 doesn't change the current maxgame and I still got line. D2GS version is 1.13c build 3

D2GS> status
Setting maximum game: 200
Current maximum game: 0
Current running game: 0
Current users in game: 0
Maximum prefer users: 200
Maximum game life: 14400 seconds
Connetion to D2CS ( connected
Connetion to D2DBS( connected
Physical memory usage:   0.000MB/  0.000MB
Virtual memory usage:    0.000MB/  0.000MB
Kernel CPU usage:   0.00%
User CPU usage:     0.00%

Game Server Net Statistic: (rate is KBytes/second)
        RecvPkts    RecvBytes   SendPkts    SendBytes
D2CS           0            0          1            1
D2DBS          0            0          1            1
        RecvRate PeakRecvRate   SendRate PeakSendRate
D2CS       0.000        0.000      0.000        0.009
D2DBS      0.000        0.000      0.000        0.009

Message of the day:

Any Ideas How to fix that?


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

"MaxGames" parameter is stored in Windows registry, check that it set correctly in your Wine.

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by hehpe 18.05.2017 12:12)

Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

"MaxGames" parameter is stored in Windows registry, check that it set correctly in your Wine.

Yes I have imported the reg file in to the registry as you see from the attached screenshot and still getting the same result..


05/18 08:00:18.262 D2GEThread: Server Thread 39 Created
05/18 08:00:41.174 D2GEThread: Game Server Thread Start Successfully
05/18 08:00:41.183 D2GSResetGameList: End all game in the Game List and in the GE
05/18 08:00:41.184 watchdog_init: CreateThread watchdog_thread, 46
05/18 08:00:41.184 main: Entering Main Server Loop
05/18 08:00:41.260 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2DBS Successfully
05/18 08:00:41.268 D2GSSendClassToD2DBS: Send connection class packet to D2DBS
05/18 08:00:41.291 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2CS Successfully
05/18 08:00:41.299 D2GSSendClassToD2CS: Send connection class packet to D2CS
05/18 08:01:56.276 admin_service: New admin request from
05/18 08:02:13.343 admin_setmaxgame: Change max game number to 200 by admin 1316
05/18 08:03:22.596 admin_thread: admin thread (1316) terminated


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

I'm not sure but may be changing in the registry of wine need to reboot or something else to update a cache. Try edit MaxGameLife or MaxPreferUsers to see if it changed or not.
I suppose MaxGames = 0 means an infinite value and your issue can be in other place like a closed port 4000, so check the server log files.
What error do you see inside Diablo 2 when you're trying create a new game?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

I'm not sure but may be changing in the registry of wine need to reboot or something else to update a cache. Try edit MaxGameLife or MaxPreferUsers to see if it changed or not.
I suppose MaxGames = 0 means an infinite value and your issue can be in other place like a closed port 4000, so check the server log files.
What error do you see inside Diablo 2 when you're trying create a new game?

I don't think it's a port I get "waiting in line position" . I have rebooted and reinstalled countless times... The maxuser value changes the only thing that wont change is the maxgame..


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

Well, the way to check if the issue in Wine is to run the same configured D2GS on Windows.

Do not ask for support in PM.

7 (edited by hehpe 03.06.2017 17:40)

Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

Well, the way to check if the issue in Wine is to run the same configured D2GS on Windows.

I tried vps from different vendor keep having the same problem... this time I used 1.13d GS still cant set max game...

In the logs everything looks fine except in the d2cs.log show this

Jun 03 14:53:26 [warn ] d2gs_deactive: game server 1 is not actived yet


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

"Current maximum game" always 0 when D2GS is not connected to D2CS. When connection is estabilished "Current maximum game" = "Setting maximum game".
But as I can see, it should be connected for you "Connetion to D2CS ( connected".

Read it seems you're missing something in configuration.

Do not ask for support in PM.

9 (edited by hehpe 05.06.2017 12:36)

Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

"Current maximum game" always 0 when D2GS is not connected to D2CS. When connection is estabilished "Current maximum game" = "Setting maximum game".
But as I can see, it should be connected for you "Connetion to D2CS ( connected".

Read it seems you're missing something in configuration.

I cant understand I used to have pvpgn server since 2007 ... I compiled and configured countless for me and other people this thing is seriously getting on my nerves... Here are the conf and log files I am out of ideas..

I get no errors while compiling pvpgn/wine currently I am using 1.8.5 ,D2GS1.13c,wine1.6.2,debian 8. Everything says that is connected people can create characters ...


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

I think the problem with Wine sockets.

Your d2gs.log ends with

D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2DBS Successfully
D2GSSendClassToD2DBS: Send connection class packet to D2DBS
D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2CS Successfully
D2GSSendClassToD2CS: Send connection class packet to D2CS

But after these lines it should continue with

D2GSNetRecvPacket: CS socket become writable
D2GSNetRecvPacket: DBS socket become writable
D2GSAuthreq: Auth request for 'D2CS'
D2GSAuthReply: Game Server Activated by D2CS
D2GSSetD2CSMaxGameNumber: Tell D2CS to set max game to 50
D2GSSetGameInfoByD2CS: Set current maxgame to 50

The same with d2cs, but it's a consequence of the fact that d2gs sockets was not become writable.
Your d2cs.log ends with

[info ] handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=2)

But after this line it should continue with

[info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_d2gs_authreply: game server d.d.d.d authed
[info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2gs_active: game server d.d.d.d:port (id: 1) actived (1 total)
[info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_d2gs_setgsinfo: change game server d.d.d. max game from 0 to 50 (0 current)
Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:


I thought that too so... here's what I do to compile wine...
1. Downloaded the source
2. Replace the sock.c file with the one from git
3. Installing 32libs
4. ./configure --without-x (i get no errors here)
5. make
6 make install

Did I missed something or I do something wrong?


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

Please, look at last two posts here … 306#p83714 - actually the same problem.
Author writes that it can be fixed with Wine 1.3.6 with sock.c patch and winetricks.

Dillybob wrote:

Alrighty fellas found a fix and it's working.

You must compile wine 1.3.6 from source, but before compiling, edit sock.c

And this change to it: ... ction=diff

And then you need to install winetricks

chmod + x winetricks
./winetricks vcrun6

And you should beable to run d2gs via wine ./D2GS.exe.

It will show this:

But it still does work. And that sock.c is not FIXED in the latest or development release. So that is why I am using the 1.3.6 version. (Don't give a shit about other program compatibility errors or whatnot) if D2GS works, it works and that's all I care for this particular server.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

Please, look at last two posts here … 306#p83714 - actually the same problem.
Author writes that it can be fixed with Wine 1.3.6 with sock.c patch and winetricks.

Solved when I started it with

wine /home/pvpgn/D2GS/D2GS.exe >& /dev/null &

Everything worked fine after that with wine 2.0.1 and Debian 8.
Thank your for your time now I have another question which file in the source of pvpgn I have to change for different flag in the tracker? I see some servers with pirate flag ...


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

Does D2GS work with Wine 1.3.6 or 2.0.1? With or without sock.c patch?

I'm not sure what flag are you talking about, give a link or a screenshot.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

Does D2GS work with Wine 1.3.6 or 2.0.1? With or without sock.c patch?

I'm not sure what flag are you talking about, give a link or a screenshot.

yes with 2.0.1 and sock patch (line 364 in my case) Here is a picture for the flag


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

I guess this flag is just a result of detection an outdated geoip database for that server IP address.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:


Aaand another question my hosting provider gives me 12 IP's  Can I have 2 D2GS running on one vps ?


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

D2GS listen all interfaces and there is no way to bind a specific IP address.
So, only with VM or Docker. Or use Multithreaded D2GS … t-74035298

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

HarpyWar wrote:

D2GS listen all interfaces and there is no way to bind a specific IP address.
So, only with VM or Docker. Or use Multithreaded D2GS … t-74035298

Yes I thought about the tesseract gs but It has this fixed patch size as far as I know... and in my mod I have custom features ( new items,runewords and some new bosses) Is there any way to use it with custom made patch?


Re: [Solved] Debian Jessie D2GS can't create games

There is only way to recompile D2GS with removal of size checking in code.

Добавлено: 08.06.2017 12:41

Note, only two different D2GS versions  can be run there. You can't run two 1.13c (only 1.11b and 1.13c).

Do not ask for support in PM.

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