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Topic: [Solved] Show all games in list


HarpyWar, would you have any way to show all the games (Normal, Nightmare and Hell) in all game lists?

For example:

Player on normal difficulty, can see all games (norm, night and hell) in the list of games.

In case if he tries to enter a game on hell difficulty he could not, but the game would appear for him in the list.

Diablo 2 Online

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Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

You need to edit d2cs.conf

gamelist_showall        =       1
Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
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Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

Does not work sad

gamelist_showall        =       1

I made this configuration in d2cs.conf

And even then Only the difficulty games of the character appears to him in the game list.

You know why? Can it be another setting that is interfering?

Added: 08.06.2017 09:56

It worked!

I thought that players with normal difficulty could see the rooms in Hell mode, but it seems to be the other way around. The players of Inferno and Nightmare mode that can see in the list the games of Normal mode.

Would there be a way for everyone to see them all?

Diablo 2 Online

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Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

Glad you got it working!

And yes, unfortunately, that is the only way it works.  People in Hell can see all games, but people in Normal cannot see Hell games.  From what I understand - that feature does not exist but you could most likely code it yourself - out of my knowledge though. GL smile

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

Meanski wrote:

Glad you got it working!

And yes, unfortunately, that is the only way it works.  People in Hell can see all games, but people in Normal cannot see Hell games.  From what I understand - that feature does not exist but you could most likely code it yourself - out of my knowledge though. GL smile


many thanks for the support!

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

you can only see games in difficulty you completed, no other way


Re: [Solved] Show all games in list

Now that I think about it, if you really wanted something like this you could build something over the top. You could use something like Stealthbot.. write a script to grab all current open games from telnet and when someone whispers the bot, it whispers them in return all open games.

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions

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