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Posts: 6

1 (edited by slaklad 20.07.2017 22:35)

Topic: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

I need a working PVPGN + Ghostbot working.  The work must be completed in 1 week.


We need a bot to autohost all types of games available on quickmatch. Server games will focus on Quick Match games mostly 1vs1. It's also necessary that other game types work eg: 2v2, 3v3 4v4 ffa etc.. Also bot needs to update on database after finish each match with related data  eg: win/lost for each user. if user got disc= true/false, how long the match lasted.

You want a bot similar to W3 Arena ou EuroBattlenet.

Send me your purposals.

2 (edited by SkyFall 20.07.2017 07:21)

Re: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

я сделаю тебе намного дешевле

Добавлено: 20.07.2017 07:25

The bot writes the game statistics in the server table after each game and the server at the same time reads it.
All this can be done in an hour
Do you only need this?


Re: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

SkyFall wrote:

я сделаю тебе намного дешевле

Зачем дешевле?
когда он просит за $ 1,000


Re: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

I wouldn't think this would be hard to do at all.  Feel like you're really overpaying for this service though.

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
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Re: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

launcher wrote:
SkyFall wrote:

я сделаю тебе намного дешевле

Зачем дешевле?
когда он просит за $ 1,000

какой **** оплатит за эту работу $1000


Re: PVPGN + GhostBot [$1000]

There are many variations how pvpgn+ghost  could be done, so price may vary.
You should attach a specification that describes all the features that you need. Otherwise you may get not a good solution.

Do not ask for support in PM.

Posts: 6

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