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Topic: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Hi guys,

I spend a few days trying to use the D2GS MT - We know this .exe only works in Windows, and we need to use a modify version of D2CS.-
I go to the repository
And I am able to create/create the D2CS for linux and all the repository.-

I go to the repository of PVPGN - And compile good for Linux - And I am able to make work bnetd - d2cs and d2dbs - Works fine I can connect with the game and all.-

The problem it's I don't know how to mix the D2CS of Tesseract with the last build of PVPGN to make run the D2GS MT .- Its posible? or I just need to build the old PVPGN of Tesseract and run in that way?


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== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

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Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Hi HarpyWar

Good to find you - I have a few questions before go to the Github.-

First - So, the D2GS MT - Its imposible to make it work at this moment? - Because I understand if you compile the PVPGN of Tesseract for Linux, its posible to make it work in Windows of course the D2GS MT

You compile for Windows to try to make it work all in Windows - Like I see

Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

I'm not sure what went wrong, cause I had not enough time for that.
May be I missed some configuration, because tesseract didn't describe it full (actually there is no any documentation except readme in that 3 repositories).
All Windows binaries were compiled without any modifications (except D2GS where size checking removed), so it should work the same way as on Linux.

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Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Any reason to run the modified D2CS? Are you wanting to protect yourself from the redvex/'birthday' hack?

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Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract


Good, Im going to try with the Windows Version in a virtual machine and see what happends, any news with that I go to the github post.-



Thats right - I create a PVPGN server with 1.99 Pro with HarpyWar repositories, but after a month I start to recieve the attack to the D2GS because constantly start to crash only that process with no reason.-

And I was not able to find any solution to that than try to make work the D2GS MT - You know any another solution? I dont know a firewall, a emulation, something like that to avoid the hack?


Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

No, I do not know any other way, yet. We are suffering the same attacks, have been for months now... nearly every 7 hours - does yours have a pattern?

Going to take another look at it this weekend and see if there is a way to fix it without compiling with Tesseract's

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
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Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

The real problem is there is no more support for d2gs.

And the few who develop something do not share with others.

sad sad

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Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Hi guys,

Yes I understand this crap situation - and the tesseract its a dream, but it's imposible to contact with this guy.-
Something Im going to try its I make work the PVPGN in linux the 1.99-7 of HarpyWar and I need to make work the D2GS normal with Wine, probably will work in that case.-

We know the Hex code of the "hack" - In Linux you have a build in firewall, so, you can set a rule in the IPTables by command to DROP a packet in TCP or UDP of a specific port with a specific Hex String - Thats going to avoid the crash i believe filtering the Hex code before touch the D2GS process.-

I dont have registry if somebody try this, looks so easy and rare no body try it, but I understand this was abandon years ago, and probably in that moment Wine not work so good, or something.-

Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Yeah it is sad that it isn't maintained anymore but still pretty cool we have what we have.

Shall we keep this thread on topic? I have been thinking about writing up a post about the D2GS crash for awhile.. hopefully we can share our ideas there and cross off the ones that don't work to find a solution together.  I'll make a separate thread now

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions

11 (edited by GecKoTDF 03.08.2017 18:44)

Re: Build D2CS - Tesseract

Yes I see - Well this night im going to work a bit with this - And we can have some type of result.-

Looking at the desing of tesseract he create a proxy to filter and create different D2GS process so he dont avoid the hack really, he create instances of D2GS so... you can drop 1 not all
But if you can filter that specific code, you will avoid that - And that code its not normal, I mean users to play dont send that.-

Added: 03.08.2017 12:43

In the recommendation say:

Rebuild your system using Tesseract's D2GS with his custom D2CS. He uses a proxy which filters out requests it seems but also looks like it may spawn multiple D2GS processes.


At this moment this cant be posible no? - I mean Harpy try to buid the D2GS - and the D2CS - But at the moment we cant make it work in Windows.-
I try to build de PVPGN in Linux of the Tesseract and no luck I cant start the D2CS - And the Tesseract D2CS its not compatible with the BnetD (PVPGN) of 1.99-7


So we know de D2GS MT - Works after build, but need the D2CS modded, but we cant make it work.-
In my personal opinon the best idea it's use the PVPGN 1.99-7 in Windows or Linux - Use the normal D2GS - And try to filter the packet hack in port 4000 - Im going to center in this solution and see what happend.-
I know this solution its "easy" and rare no body use it, but you know programmers usually are not expert in networking, I dont know nothing about programming but, good in networking, so I am going to attack the problem from here and see what happends

Admin / Owner Project:

== OldServers Argentina ==

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