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Posts: 11

1 (edited by USA-Archer 25.08.2017 21:27)

Topic: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

I wrote an HTML5 Chat Client for PvPGN servers:

You can login with abcde/abcde to

If you would like to implement it for your PvPGN server let me know and I can help.

If you have some skills with HTML/CSS/Javascript and would like to help me improve the client also that would be appreciated!

Areas that need improvement:
Unicode support (doesnt exist currently)
Fix bug on iphone where msg text box for input gets pushed up
Return some commands in <pre></pre> like /games to fix formatting
Modify commands like "/games" to add "/games w2bn" automatically

How it works:
Websockify (python) server runs on a given port and takes input from regular HTML5 websockets. It opens a real TCP connection from the webserver to PvPGN telnet. It then acts as a bridge between the HTML5 user and PvPGN server.

I wrote the javascript that handles the interaction between HTML5 client and Websockify to the PvPGN server, wspvpgn.js


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Wow awesome!

You should post the source on Github so we can help contribute and test.  Great job.

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3 (edited by USA-Archer 25.08.2017 21:56)

Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Meanski wrote:

Wow awesome!

You should post the source on Github so we can help contribute and test.  Great job.

Here you go!

4 (edited by vallcerealz 01.09.2017 05:56)

Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

thanks, great job!

can use for war3 pvpgn?


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

vallcerealz wrote:

thanks, great job!

can use for war3 pvpgn?

Yes it should work for all PvPGN servers. If you have any problems let me know!

Added: 01.09.2017 12:37

Added unicode support today


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Please update :
- Right click for whisper, and added new tab with that username
- Right click for display profile ( my profile and target profile )
- Right click for show ladder



Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

I could not make the installation work outside my server (on another host)


Chat Client -> Host_X
PvPGN Server -> Host_Y

Error in Chorme Console - Debugging

WebSocket connection to 'ws://Host_Y:6112/' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response

WrappedWebSocket          @VM300:164
open                      @websock.js:227
PVPGN.that.connect        @wspvpgn.js:433
connect                   @chat.html:167

it's possible?

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8 (edited by USA-Archer 10.03.2018 18:56)

Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Actually I reread that and its not right

You have to set up the websockify server

It works like this

Javascript/web client -> websockify server:6112 -> pvpgn server:6112

Its like a proxy for the web client because it is not possible for a direct network connection from a web browser

To add a second pvpgn server itd look like this

Javascript/web client -> websockify:6113 -> pvpgn:6112


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Hello USA-Archer!
Your script on my server for some reason does not work, can tell me what is the problem? More precisely, authorization does not work at all ...


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Gh0ster wrote:

Hello USA-Archer!
Your script on my server for some reason does not work, can tell me what is the problem? More precisely, authorization does not work at all ...

Sorry, but how could I know why it isn't working on your server? Can you give me a link to it at least?


Re: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client

Is posible this in 1 app of android?

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