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1 (edited by sunnny0104 28.08.2017 09:37)

Topic: I want to add commands

I am a beginner to enter the pvpgn server

I want to add commands

want to allow people to use it
The command is Realm chatting

/1 hello

user : hello

I want it to be output in the game room,realm
I use a windows10 -64bit

I want to add
please help me!!


Re: I want to add commands

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve here.  You are wanting people to be able to use a global chat but automatically send their game info?  Not sure this is fully possible.

To add chat commands you want to edit bnalias.conf to add your command.  For example, we use:

[*]/w *chat #${1-}#

A further explaination of what you are wanting to fully achieve may help.. thanks!

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
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Re: I want to add commands

thanks you so much

I want people to be able to communicate with each other over the relam chat.


Re: I want to add commands

How do you propose the global chat to work?  One method I have seen (and don't recommend) is giving all accounts access to the /ann command - if you're wanting to do that, you'll need to edit command_groups.conf

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: I want to add commands

Meanski wrote:

How do you propose the global chat to work?  One method I have seen (and don't recommend) is giving all accounts access to the /ann command - if you're wanting to do that, you'll need to edit command_groups.conf

I want to change the command to ( /a say )instead of ( /ann say )


Re: I want to add commands

Perfect!  You'll need to do both things then.

Firstly, edit command_groups.conf to give everyone access to the /ann command
Secondly, use my method posted above to edit bnalias.conf to make the chat alias.

Shout out if you have any issues.

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: I want to add commands

Thank you so much for your reply.

Does this work?

sucess ?


Re: I want to add commands

Sorry mate - only just saw this reply now.  Did you manage to get it working?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: I want to add commands

Meanski wrote:

Sorry mate - only just saw this reply now.  Did you manage to get it working?

Yes, work!

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