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Posts: 11


Topic: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

so we are testing Diablo 1, but we are not able to connect to a game, creating of a game is no problem. Here is the error message

Error: Unable to authorize. Unrecognized character information.

We both use the fixed dll, because I am unable to get to run the game without it, so I can not test it without it. … ista-patch

i dunno if this is the cause, my friend told me, that even when playing on pvpgn diablo 1 requires that the host has public IP, but the error message seems to talk about other problems...

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

Hmmm, I know we have this working on Slash.

You are correct in thinking that the person who makes the game also has to host it (so an accessible IP is a must, probably with port forwarding too).  It is must like WC3.  I'll have a look back through our history and see if anything needed enabling.

Any other errors?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

No everything else seems to be all right, i am looking for another opportunities like vpn, or hostbot, but it is than more dificult to setup for normal players... Thank you for your efford, hope you are true that there is a way to do it in pvpgn

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

so what is the final solution? is it not fixable using pvpgn and hosting Diablo I games will be only possible to players with public IP only?

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game


Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.

6 (edited by usedtobeacow 23.12.2017 16:37)

Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

Diablo I in history.
восстановление зренияц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11ц11


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

wake up smile

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

I can confirm the same issue.  However, I am not using any altered files.  Mine is a stock install patched to 1.09.  It happens when trying to connect two machines on the same LAN as well as across networks.


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

Any errors in the logs?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

11/8 20:40:09.682  Connecting to
11/8 20:40:09.765      querying gateway
11/8 20:40:09.779      searching for the fastest server
11/8 20:40:09.861      connected to server
11/8 20:40:09.861  Connected to server
11/8 20:40:09.861      Validating ID
11/8 20:40:09.865  Checking for the latest version
11/8 20:40:09.958      client acknowledged
11/8 20:40:10.152      logon acknowledged
11/8 20:40:10.152      requesting latest version
11/8 20:40:10.310      user has latest version
11/8 20:40:10.310  Get latest icons
11/8 20:40:10.310  Returning ping data to server
11/8 20:40:10.310      Get player profile
11/8 20:40:14.839  Connected to
11/8 20:42:47.096  Disconnecting from server

Added: 09.11.2018 22:02

Just tried using Windows 98 and Windows XP and I get the same error.

11 (edited by Brut 21.11.2018 01:27)

Re: Diablo 1: Unable to connect to other game

right it does not work even when both players on LAN are, with the same error
Error: Unable to authorize
Unrecognized character information

i think there is a bug or something wrong in pvpgn with Diablo 1

Administrator of Portal and BrutleNET.

Posts: 11

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