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Topic: Hosting with PVPGN with on Local Network

Hi all,

I've recently configured and setup PVPGN++ (latest from source), and I can connect, create, and see games.

Problem is, no one can join, whether on or off network. I've tried changing the ports the games hosting have been using, but that doesn't seem to help. All ports used were also port forwarded if possible.


PVPGN - running on VM with IP
My computer -, hosting on port 6119
Another computer, game set to port 6115, can't join games on "My Computer". Times out quickly saying the game cannot be found

Same result as above if "Another computer" is also outside of the network.

Port 6119 is forwarded on my router, through firewall, etc. Have checked with outside programs and verified the ports are definitely open.



Re: Hosting with PVPGN with on Local Network

You have to open both TCP and UDP ports.
6115 and 6119 are game ports that is changed in game clients?
How did you check that UDP is opened?

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by glacier 10.09.2017 21:57)

Re: Hosting with PVPGN with on Local Network

HarpyWar wrote:

You have to open both TCP and UDP ports.
6115 and 6119 are game ports that is changed in game clients?
How did you check that UDP is opened?

Thank you for your reply HarpyWar,

Yes, I actually just tried with my brother who's on a completely different network too. On my local machine, 6119 is set as the game port. It is open in the firewall on both TCP and UDP, as well as port forwarding setup on my router.

I used nmap to test the ports, however when I just tried with portqry on Windows, it shows TCP as listening when the game is hosting, but UDP as not listening.

netsh firewall show stats shows the following image (attached and linked:

Also tried completely disabling the firewall, no luck


Re: Hosting with PVPGN with on Local Network

Try host a game on LAN. If other computer does not see it then something wrong with a firewall or a router.

Do not ask for support in PM.

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