Just in case there was something wrong with the version I compiled, I used an already compiled loader, but got the same result.
I've enabled every level of log, it doesn't even try to create those new columns.
Here's the report with a generic account:
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [556] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x0619d123, verstr= exeinfo="war3.exe 12/09/16 06:05:09 515048" versionid=0x0000001b gameversion=0x011b01ad checksum=0xc2937d79
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::versioncheck_validate: no match in list, setting to: W3XP
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [556] unable to test client, allowing anyway
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [556] client matches versiontag "W3XP"
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [556] no upgrade for W3XP is available
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_fileinforeq: [556] file requested: "termsofservice.txt" - type = 0x01
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_fileinforeq: [556] file requested: "newaccount.txt" - type = 0x02
Sep 24 13:15:48 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_fileinforeq: [556] file requested: "chathelp-war3.txt" - type = 0x03
Sep 24 13:15:49 [debug] pvpgn::bnetd::handle_udp_packet: [308] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Sep 24 13:15:49 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_fileinforeq: [556] file requested: "bnserver-WAR3.ini" - type = 0x05
Sep 24 13:16:10 [debug] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_createaccountw3: [556] new account requested for "test"
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_read_account: SELECT uid FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE username='test'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: SELECT count(*) FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE username='test'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: DELETE FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: INSERT INTO pvpgn_BNET (uid,username) VALUES('1','test')
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: DELETE FROM pvpgn_profile WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: INSERT INTO pvpgn_profile (uid) VALUES('1')
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: DELETE FROM pvpgn_Record WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: INSERT INTO pvpgn_Record (uid) VALUES('1')
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: DELETE FROM pvpgn_friend WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_create_account: INSERT INTO pvpgn_friend (uid) VALUES('1')
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_read_attrs: SELECT * FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE uid='1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] db_set: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_ctime = '1506251770' WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_write_attrs: ALTER TABLE pvpgn_BNET ADD COLUMN acct_ctime VARCHAR(128)
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] db_set: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_userid = '1' WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] db_set: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_passhash1 = '67452301efcdab8998badcfe10325476c3d2e1f0' WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [trace] db_set: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_username = 'test' WHERE uid = '1'
Sep 24 13:16:10 [debug] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_createaccountw3: [556] account created
And the login part:
Sep 24 13:37:32 [debug] pvpgn::bnetd::handle_udp_packet: [572] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Sep 24 13:37:32 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_fileinforeq: [460] file requested: "bnserver-WAR3.ini" - type = 0x05
Sep 24 13:37:42 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_read_account: SELECT uid FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE username='test'
Sep 24 13:37:42 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::sql_read_attrs: SELECT * FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE uid='1'
Sep 24 13:37:42 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_loginreqw3: [460] (W3) "test" passed account check
Sep 24 13:37:42 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_logonproofreq: [460] logon proof requested
Sep 24 13:37:42 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_logonproofreq: [460] (W3) got wrong client password proof for "test"