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Posts: 3


Topic: Diablo 2 Admin Panel/Registration system

Hey guys i need admin panel and web registration system with possibilities to log last 10 ip used to log in to the account.
One master account and pvpgn accounts inside for each user. I will pay for your time.


Re: Diablo 2 Admin Panel/Registration system

The registration system is very easy to do and I'm sure there are examples of code around.  Having an admin panel where you can login and see all your characters, that is another massive beast in itself.

What kind of feature set are you after exactly?

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3 (edited by hehpe 28.02.2018 06:20)

Re: Diablo 2 Admin Panel/Registration system

Meanski wrote:

The registration system is very easy to do and I'm sure there are examples of code around.  Having an admin panel where you can login and see all your characters, that is another massive beast in itself.

What kind of feature set are you after exactly?

I meant something more simple just reworking the current reg system with  one master account for each user and list (create,check ban,delete) of pvpgn accounts. The admin panel I want something similar but to log last 5 addresses on each master/pvpgn account and some (lock,ban,delete) actions.

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