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1 (edited by Feofilaktt 31.10.2017 14:58)

Topic: [Solved]How to set time for backup? D2DBS

The ./bak directory is responsible for storing ./charinfo ./charsave backups sent by D2DBS..

is there a way to modify the time the backup is generated? If not, what is the way D2DBS works to play the files? How often?

I searched in the d2dbs.conf settings but did not find anything sad


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Re: [Solved]How to set time for backup? D2DBS

Why not just setup crontab to backup these directories into archive for each hour/day?

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by Feofilaktt 31.10.2017 14:59)

Re: [Solved]How to set time for backup? D2DBS

HarpyWar wrote:

Why not just setup crontab to backup these directories into archive for each hour/day?

I already use shell script in linux big_smile

I just wanted to figure out the way D2DBS works the backup files..

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: [Solved]How to set time for backup? D2DBS

My opinion - it's reduntant function in d2dbs, and you should not use it if you have an external backup script.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Solved]How to set time for backup? D2DBS

tks HarpyWar

Diablo 2 Online

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