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Posts: 5

1 (edited by htorbov 21.11.2017 14:10)

Topic: PvPGN and D2GS on Ubuntu (Linux)

I'am using Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (64-bit Server) with a user, having sudo permissions. The specifications of the server are: AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz (Black Edition), 128 GB SSD, 16 GB DDR3

 * PvPGN
1. Install the needed software
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git cmake zlib1g-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev

2. Download and install PvPGN
cd ~
git clone
cd pvpgn-server
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/pvpgn -D WITH_MYSQL=true -D WITH_LUA=true ../
make install

3. Configure the PVPGN
nano ~/pvpgn/etc/*.conf

After that, you can run bnetd, d2cs and d2dbs from ~/pvpgn/sbin folder.

 * D2GS
1. Install the needed software
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y ia32-libs gcc-multilib g++-multilib xserver-xorg-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386
tar xf wine-2.0.1.tar.xz
mv sock.c wine-2.0.1/server
mv wine-2.0.1 wine-source && mkdir wine-dirs && mv wine-source wine-dirs && cd wine-dirs && mkdir wine-build && cd wine-build
../wine-source/configure --without-x
make -j 10
sudo make install -j 10

2. Download and install D2GS ( and Diablo II (
cd ~
mv Diablo II/*.mpq ~/.wine/drive_c/D2GS
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/D2GS

3. Configure the D2GS
nano d2gs.reg
wine regedit d2gs.reg

After that, you can install the service (using: wine "C:\D2GS\D2GSSVC.exe" -i) and start it (using: wine net start D2GS).


Re: PvPGN and D2GS on Ubuntu (Linux)

There are no instructions for this currently, feel free to write them, it'd be beneficial for everyone.

But yes, D2GS does work under WINE.

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Re: PvPGN and D2GS on Ubuntu (Linux)

Awesome, I'll try tonight, if successful, I'll write a full tutorial for everything.
Should the Wine be installed on a machine with X-server, or it's not necessary?


Re: PvPGN and D2GS on Ubuntu (Linux)

You can compile it without x-server from memory.  Sorry, it has been so long since I last tried!

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: PvPGN and D2GS on Ubuntu (Linux)

Main topic updated as a tutorial, as promised.

Added: 21.11.2017 05:08

BTW, I don't know why, but I only managed to get it working with D2GS 1.10 (Build 4). Which actually is perfect for me, because I'm running Eastern Sun 3.00 mod, which is exactly for this build.

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