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Topic: D2GS Won't Create Game

Hey. New here, trying to set up a closed realm for play at home & on the road.
I've got PvPGN, D2DBS and D2CS working properly (at least I think so). D2GS is running however I can't figure out how to get it to create a game.
It always says "You are in line to create a game".

I have logged in to D2GS with telnet, set "maxgame" to anything higher than 0 and still no luck.
I have noticed that in D2CS.log it says the game server is not active. Is there something I have missed in the configuration files? I will upload all logs and files.
Something I noticed as well is that bnetd.log (I'm assuming the PvPGN log) is empty and remains empty.

*I am using PvPGN 1.8.5 and D2GS 1.09d as D2GS 1.13c didn't work at all for me (the service, d2gssvc, stayed running but the server itself, d2gs, would restart infintely with no log)*

Also it should be noted: I am running PvPGN, D2CS, D2DBS and D2GS on a Windows XP VM running inside Windows 10. The VM has its own internal IP address that I can connect to and forward ports from the router. All ports are forwarded correctly and open, and I can telnet in from outside the LAN.


Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

Is not it easier to use a compatible version of Windows, like Windows 7?

I personally do not like Win 8+ or 10. Still more for gamers servers..

Added: 23.11.2017 07:57

bc89 wrote:

It always says "You are in line to create a game".

Did you remember to configure the correct IP in d2gs.reg?

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Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

Feofilaktt wrote:

Is not it easier to use a compatible version of Windows, like Windows 7?

I personally do not like Win 8+ or 10. Still more for gamers servers..

Added: 23.11.2017 07:57

bc89 wrote:

It always says "You are in line to create a game".

Did you remember to configure the correct IP in d2gs.reg?

Is Windows 7 more compatible than XP SP3? I can try using a VM running Win 7 but I'm not sure if that will solve my issue. Once I get home I will also try running it on Ubuntu. I am very desperate to get this working..

I have set the correct IP address in d2gs.reg. It connects with D2CS and D2DBS, and they both show connected to D2GS, however it never gets past the "in line to create a game" screen.

I also noticed that I cannot create a game in open realm either, it loads almost all the way and then says "failed to join game" (that I am trying to host).. Do you think these could these be linked to the same issue?


Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

These are network configuration files:

- address_translation.conf
- d2cs.conf
- d2dbs.conf
- realm.conf
- d2gs.reg

Use one of the stable versions of PvPGN

PvPGN Releases ->

Use the version you want for the D2GS

Remember to use the original files of the selected version, you can download them here:

D2GS Versions ->

Diablo 2 Files ->

Reinstall and test.

If it still does not work, the problem is in the VM, which does not allow D2GS it to connect with the PvPGN.

NOTE: Check your internal Firewall rules.

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Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

@bc89 - please provide an update if you were able to successfully create games.

I think Feofilaktt is correct, sounds like your configuration files are not setup correctly.

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Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

Meanski, I have not been able to create a game. I will re check my configuration files but I feel like the problem is elsewhere. I can see that D2DBS, D2CS, PvPGN and D2GS seem to be connecting to each other, but nothing is being given a signal to actually start a game. According to my wife, I had been spending too much time trying to get it working lol


Re: D2GS Won't Create Game

Hah, damn wives, I understand. PM me the server details if you'd like me to take a look

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions

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