Topic: D2GS under wine - very strange problem
I'm new on this forum but I have been sitting in pvpgn hosting for couple of years. I had didacated server with Debian 7 Wheezy & PvPGN 1.99SVN + D2GS 1.13 (marsgod) on wine-1.4.1 and everything works very well for 4 years. In January I made upgrade from Debian Wheezy to Jessie and my D2GS broken down. I tried to run them on diffrent versions wine (1.3.6, 1.4.1, 1.6.2, 2.0.1) and still i have one strange problem. I run D2GS under wine without X and i can log to admin console (telnet), create games. Everything works well but after few minutes (10-30 min) D2GS drop all games and i cant creaty new game. But admin console works well, i can log in. After restart D2GS again works normally for few minutes and drop games. On debian wheezy i hadnt this problem. I cant find anything interesting in logs. Please help me.
03/24 19:16:47.094 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARSAVE> data to D2DBS for mienso success
03/24 19:16:47.100 D2GSCBLeaveGame: MIENSO(*)[L=94,C=Nec] leave game 'Sex3', id=7(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:16:47.100 D2GSWriteCharInfoFile: Send CHARINFO data for MIENSO(*)
03/24 19:16:47.100 D2GSSetCharLockStatus: Set charlock status to UNLOCKED for MIENSO(*)@D2LoD
03/24 19:16:47.101 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARINFO> data to D2DBS for mienso success
03/24 19:16:47.372 D2GSCBSaveDatabaseCharacter: Save CHARSAVE for amik(*)
03/24 19:16:47.374 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARSAVE> data to D2DBS for amik success
03/24 19:16:47.376 D2GSCBLeaveGame: amik(*)[L=94,C=Ama] leave game 'Lol4', id=1(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:16:47.377 D2GSWriteCharInfoFile: Send CHARINFO data for amik(*)
03/24 19:16:47.377 D2GSSetCharLockStatus: Set charlock status to UNLOCKED for amik(*)@D2LoD
03/24 19:16:47.378 D2DBSSaveDataReply: Save <CHARINFO> data to D2DBS for amik success
03/24 19:16:56.080 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Sex4' (9)
03/24 19:16:56.080 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Sex4', 9,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306170
03/24 19:16:56.080 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Sex4','As','', By MIENSO(*r)@
03/24 19:16:56.138 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: MIENSO(*r) join game 'Sex4', id=9(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:17:04.036 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Aesthetic(*) join game 'Sex4', id=9(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:17:56.088 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Sex4', id=9(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:17:56.088 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(2) character in game 'Sex4' (9)
03/24 19:17:56.695 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char MIENSO(*) in an already closed game
03/24 19:18:04.567 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char Aesthetic(*) in an already closed game
03/24 19:18:24.527 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Lol1' (10)
03/24 19:18:24.527 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Lol1', 10,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306182
03/24 19:18:24.527 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Lol1','','g2', By fanikora(*)@
03/24 19:18:24.634 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: fanikora(*maro1) join game 'Lol1', id=10(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:19:04.806 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'D1', id=8(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:19:04.807 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(0) character in game 'D1' (8)
03/24 19:19:24.527 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Lol1', id=10(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:19:24.527 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Lol1' (10)
03/24 19:19:25.149 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char fanikora(*) in an already closed game
03/24 19:19:57.472 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: amik(*x) join game 'Lol4', id=1(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:20:53.016 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Aaa' (11)
03/24 19:20:53.016 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Aaa', 11,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306189
03/24 19:20:53.016 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Aaa','','', By amik(*)@
03/24 19:20:53.170 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: amik(*) join game 'Aaa', id=11(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:21:44.205 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Test', id=2(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:21:47.125 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Sex3', id=7(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:21:47.125 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(0) character in game 'Sex3' (7)
03/24 19:21:47.405 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Lol4', id=1(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:21:47.405 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(0) character in game 'Lol4' (1)
03/24 19:21:53.084 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Aaa', id=11(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:21:53.084 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Aaa' (11)
03/24 19:21:53.745 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char amik(*) in an already closed game
03/24 19:24:30.092 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Dw3q' (12)
03/24 19:24:30.092 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Dw3q', 12,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306206
03/24 19:24:30.092 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Dw3q','','', By Belzebub(*)@
03/24 19:24:30.182 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Belzebub(*) join game 'Dw3q', id=12(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:25:15.676 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Wfewe' (13)
03/24 19:25:15.676 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Wfewe', 13,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306220
03/24 19:25:15.676 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Wfewe','','', By Belzebub(*)@
03/24 19:25:15.762 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Belzebub(*) join game 'Wfewe', id=13(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:25:30.122 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Dw3q', id=12(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:25:30.122 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(0) character in game 'Dw3q' (12)
03/24 19:26:15.681 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Wfewe', id=13(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:26:15.681 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Wfewe' (13)
03/24 19:26:16.364 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char Belzebub(*) in an already closed game
03/24 19:27:13.047 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Gfdg' (14)
03/24 19:27:13.047 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Gfdg', 14,expansion,hell,softcore,ladder, seqno=306225
03/24 19:27:13.047 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Gfdg','','', By Kazimiera(*)@
03/24 19:27:13.092 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Kazimiera(*) join game 'Gfdg', id=14(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:27:19.370 admin_shutdown: shutdown d2gs by admin 1368 in 10 seconds
03/24 19:27:29.658 SaveAllGamesThread: Calling D2GSEndAllGames()
03/24 19:27:29.659 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Gfdg', id=14(exp,hell,softcore,ladder)
03/24 19:27:29.659 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Gfdg' (14)
03/24 19:27:29.660 SaveAllGamesThread: Waiting for all games to be saved
03/24 19:27:29.661 SaveAllGamesThread: All games saved
03/24 19:27:32.664 D2GSShutdownTimer: Shutdown GS now
Mar 24 18:00:01 [error] main: failed to run server
Mar 24 19:00:01 [error] net_listen: error bind listen socket
Mar 24 19:00:01 [error] server_listen: error listen socket
Mar 24 19:00:01 [error] d2cs_server_process: failed to setup listen socket
Mar 24 19:00:01 [error] main: failed to run server
Mar 24 20:00:01 [error] net_listen: error bind listen socket
Mar 24 20:00:01 [error] server_listen: error listen socket
Mar 24 20:00:01 [error] d2cs_server_process: failed to setup listen socket
Mar 24 20:00:01 [error] main: failed to run server
Failed to run server & socket is normal i have script to run d2cs after crash.
018/3/24 18:32:58.056 DebugSetACData: Anti-Cheating is disabled, total 0 AC data
Sorry for my bad english.
Added: 25.03.2018 18:30
I found this in wine logs
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x26fd02c "?" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 002e, retrying (60 sec)