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1 (edited by Rengar 20.04.2018 20:29)

Topic: Pvpgn xrealloc_real: out of memory

Hi. I have a problem with pvpgn, sometime is throw out of memory error and close d2cs
[fatal] pvpgn::xrealloc_real: out of memory (from C:\pvpgn\source\src\common\queue.cpp:128)
Line 128 is this:

    ptr = xrealloc(temp->ring, sizeof(t_packet *) * (temp->alen + QUEUE_QUANTUM));
    if (temp->ulen == temp->alen) { /* ring queue is full, need to allocate some memory */
/* FIXME: find a solution
    if (temp->alen)
        eventlog(eventlog_level_error, __FUNCTION__, "queue is full (resizing) (oldsize: %u)", temp->alen);

    ptr = xrealloc(temp->ring, sizeof(t_packet *) * (temp->alen + QUEUE_QUANTUM));
    temp->ring = (t_packet **)ptr;
    temp->alen += QUEUE_QUANTUM;

I use pvpgn 1.99.0 stable but I see queue.cpp is same code as all projects … /queue.cpp

Maybe I need to uncomment the FIXME solution that seem to be disabled in queue.cpp?

harpywar can please tell me what I need to change to increase queue limit? My server is not run out of memory when this error is produced, I have many left. I think queue limit and many connections after a time do this to empty queue. Thanks.

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