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Topic: Inventory mod - Can someone got working mod?

Hey.. I try serval inventory mods for my D2GS but i don't find any working.. When i upload file Inventory.bin to my mpq file i got error. Someone got some list of mods compatible with d2gs?

Sorry.. Its need to got to technical forum.


Re: Inventory mod - Can someone got working mod?

The vast majority of MPQ mods work fine in D2GS, provided they are modifications in the version compatible with your D2GS.

But some others can generate freeze on your D2GS as in the case when I added new bases in the game, I still have not figured out the reason, but my D2GS starts to freeze(D2GS does not create games) in random times.

So it goes of the mod that you use, but increase inventory does not cause any problem to the D2GS.

Here is a very specific section on Patch modifications.

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Re: Inventory mod - Can someone got working mod?

if the mpq work in game, it will work with d2gs.

but too big Inventory may crash your game client.


i have encounter this problem.


Re: Inventory mod - Can someone got working mod?

You also need the graphics file to go with the customised .bin file - every user also has to have the graphics file in their patch file.

Did you get it working or you need more help?

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