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Topic: [Solved]D2GS Overwrites D2server.ini on startup

I decided to make a post about this because it seems like a glitch to me. Maybe somebody already dealt with this.

I'm running D2GS 1.13d Build 0.1 and so far I can't make any changes to D2server.ini because everytime I do, the next time I'll launch D2GS it will overwrite every changes I've made. Also the ini file I'm left with afterwards seems like it is for a previous version of D2GS because its content is different (and there's a lot less to it).

I made sure that I'm using the correct version of D2GS.exe and d2server.dll but this keeps happening. Am I missing something ?

Added: 05.05.2018 16:40

Ok, I figured it out d2server.ini is required in the same folder as D2GS to run but this is not the one you want to edit. The one you want to edit is the d2server.ini located in the conf folder which should have very similar content.

I'll leave this here in case this happens to someone else.

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