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1 (edited by WoundedOutlaw 03.09.2018 05:53)

Topic: Permanent Game

Is it possible to setup 1 game that is permanent. As in it never goes away even if no one is in it? I only have a handful of people who play on my server (co workers and friends) and sometimes we are alone and transferring items between characters is a hassle.

But if I could setup just 1 single game that never goes away, then we would be set. Diablo 2 lod


Re: Permanent Game

I believe its not posible - I ask a few month ago because sometimes the people have disconnects and want to go back to the same party - but its destroyed and dissapear - I believe must be posibble to extend de time, dont know if you can forever but a few minutes - Try to see in the D2GS, or BNETD files but nothing work.-

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== OldServers Argentina ==


Re: Permanent Game

Gecko is correct, not possible.

You can extend the limits but this is not recommended. If you want to achieve this then it may be best to use a botting program like ETAL to make the same game after X amount of hours.

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Re: Permanent Game

Meanski wrote:

You can extend the limits but this is not recommended.

Could you explain more about this? I leave on average 8 hours of life time per game.

What is the problem I increase even more?

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