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Topic: pvpgn Administrator account

Hi, how do I make a specific account be seen as 'Administrator/Blizzard icon' on pvp Giving it access to all groups does not seem to work. Is there any really detailed documentation about how pvpgn works? Thanks.


Re: pvpgn Administrator account

Giving them the 'icon' is different from giving them actual OP or Admin rights on the server.

Which would you like to achieve?

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Re: pvpgn Administrator account

Meanski wrote:

Giving them the 'icon' is different from giving them actual OP or Admin rights on the server.

Which would you like to achieve?

Thanks for answer, I would like to achieve both, to have a global admin/moderator with custom icon that would differentiate it from rest of the accounts.

4 (edited by Karol 12.10.2018 13:55)

Re: pvpgn Administrator account

/admin +<username> - promote <username> to Server Admin (Blizzard flag on chat channel)

To delete admin use -

5 (edited by azazepor 12.10.2018 20:13)

Re: pvpgn Administrator account

Karol wrote:

/admin +<username> - promote <username> to Server Admin (Blizzard flag on chat channel)

To delete admin use -

Yeah, thanks, I guess I missed this section on this page:
I have one more thing not related to this topic and I do not want to create yet another topic, maybe you know, what exactly, I have to do to join ghost++ games on pvpgn? The bot connects alright to the pvpgn, to a channel ,creates a game but when I try to join it says 'The game you attemped to join does not exist. In the log it says pvpgn::bnetd::game_create: game "testgame" (pass "") type 1(UNKNOWN) startver 4 created

Posts: 5

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