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Posts: 7


Topic: Graceful way to shutdown?

Whats the most graceful way to shutdown pvpgn. Do you boot in this order: bnetd, d2cs,d2bs and then shutdown in the opposite order? d2dbs>d2cs>bnetd? Is there a best practice to prevent any rollback and get live players off gracefully.


Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

GreenDude wrote:

Whats the most graceful way to shutdown pvpgn. Do you boot in this order: bnetd, d2cs,d2bs and then shutdown in the opposite order? d2dbs>d2cs>bnetd? Is there a best practice to prevent any rollback and get live players off gracefully.

I'm pretty sure there's a server restart command that sends a message globally to all players on server. Play around in the application, we are blessed with a GUI!


Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

No I have no GUI. I'm on Linux. And the shutdown command ingame seems to only terminate bnetd and not d2cs and d2dbs. So for now ive been just killing the process. I'm hoping someone with linux experience can answer my original question.


Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

GreenDude wrote:

No I have no GUI. I'm on Linux. And the shutdown command ingame seems to only terminate bnetd and not d2cs and d2dbs. So for now ive been just killing the process. I'm hoping someone with linux experience can answer my original question.

create services in system.d for the 4 applications then restart as needed?

5 (edited by GreenDude 22.10.2018 20:59)

Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

But that doesnt answer my question: What is the best practice for graceful shutdown and in what particular order. I'm not looking for various ways to start/stop it but rather know exactly what happens on exit for these applications so I know which one should shutdown first to safely disconnect users while saving their data to prevent any sort of rollback.

For example: I assume if I shutdown bnet first while that d2cs and d2dbs will have a ruptured connection ungracefully which could leave to unsaved changes. Or maybe im wrong. I'd like to know.


Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

GD - always close D2GS first as this will send the save signal. Then close in this order, D2CS -> D2DBS -> BNETD. That said, with your multi-d2gs setup, who knows how this will go and would require further investigation to see what happens if a user jumps GS.

We simply just load them as a service on Linux and restart/start/stop whenever it is required. It essentially just kills the process.
sudo service d2cs restart && sudo service d2dbs restart && sudo service bnetd restart

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7 (edited by GreenDude 24.10.2018 21:15)

Re: Graceful way to shutdown?

yea im aware of the D2GS part I just wasnt sure about bnetd/d2cs/d2dbs. Thanks for letting me know.

When you straight up pkill bnetd is just starts the 5 min cooldown meaning u gotta pkill it like 5 times to actually kill it immediately. Does doing it as a service bypass this? If not then I gotta set that 5 minutes countdown to 1 second instead.

Posts: 7

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