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Topic: [Solved]Email Password Reset

I've been manually reseting people's passwords up to now instead of looking into setting it up. Now its getting too time consuming to do it for all the users so im wondering:

Does pvpgn have support for password reset through the d2 client?

note: im not even sure if its worth the effort considering you'd need some kind of email server setup which likely would be instantly marked as spam. But I thought i'd ask anyway in case someone went through this effort and wanted to share their experience.


Re: [Solved]Email Password Reset

The password reset to email doesn't work on PvPGN.

You can easily just go:
/chpass Meanski awesome1234password

And of course it'd be easy to write a script to do this

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Re: [Solved]Email Password Reset

Meanski wrote:

The password reset to email doesn't work on PvPGN.

You can easily just go:
/chpass Meanski awesome1234password

And of course it'd be easy to write a script to do this

Thanks I didnt know about that command. Instead I was doing the password change via the menu as if changing passwords. Good tip.

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