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Posts: 6


Topic: chosing d2gs

so I know 2 servers, who made it possible to chose a d2gs that you want to connect to. pod and median. u have to add a certain thing in the game description, like "gs 1", tho that u d connect to, say, London d2gs.


i asked a greendude guy, how he made it. he said its a hardcoding and its different for each version.

any ideas/ links? or maybe someone can make it for money? regards in advance


Re: chosing d2gs

best off if you stay with 1 gs only, adding more gs and you will have problems with duping so not worth it
you will have majority of players from 1 country or continent anyway so get the server closest to that location, that's all

3 (edited by hehpe 04.12.2018 19:28)

Re: chosing d2gs

I am pretty sure that is custom made D2GS... I doubt that they'll release the source..
@Rengar One D2GS sucks if you have more than 100 users online at the same time... Too bad that tesseract works only with windows hmm


Re: chosing d2gs



Re: chosing d2gs



Re: chosing d2gs

GreenDude won't be able to tell you as he bought it from the guys at Median.

Meanski is looking in to it so others can use it too.

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