Topic: D2gs only one event game when sell soj
Well basicly the tittle... I have dcitem=1000 on d2server.ini, and all the hell roms activate when someone sell soj....hiw to make it open only on the game it was sold?
PvPGN Community Forums | → [EN] Diablo → D2gs only one event game when sell soj
Well basicly the tittle... I have dcitem=1000 on d2server.ini, and all the hell roms activate when someone sell soj....hiw to make it open only on the game it was sold?
for me it works fine, spawn dc only one game where the key was sold, and if number of keys is enough dc spawn globally
Is there some sort of delay between selling the item (soj) and the actual spawning of Dclone? My d2server.ini is configured the same as the one Feofilaktt provided above and no Dclone is spawning in my Hell game... I've been sitting here for 10 mins waiting. I configured the d2server.ini in the PvPGN directory. Not the D2GS directory. Does that make any difference here? Took me months to find that stupid soj...hahahaa
EDIT: Yeah, idk. I changed "The Stone of Jordan" to "Unique or Set ring" in the d2server.ini in both the PvPGN and the D2GS folders and nothing happened when I sold a Cathan's ring to Akara in a Hell game. No Dclone... What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help.
EDIT2: Ok, I had to edit the code for the "Unique or Set ring" key. The default entry did not follow the correct format. I sold another Cathan's ring and Dclone spawned this time.. I really want the world event to trigger using the "Soj" though. I'm confused as to why it didn't work using the Soj...
On a side note, I killed Dclone with my hammerdin and I got a low-end anni. Shit. I guess a garbage anni is better than no anni.
but in the end, have you managed to set up Soj to open Event DClone?
No. I’m going to go check the d2server.ini and see if I can find any error in the default config for Soj. When I tried to trigger Dclone by selling an Soj, it did not work. So I changed it to trigger by selling a set ring. In the d2server.ini, “Unique or Set ring” is provided as an example/option already. But when I enabled that option in the game and sold a Cathan’s Ring, again nothing happened. I went back to troubleshoot and found that the code provided for “Unique or Set ring” in the d2server.ini did not follow the correct format. So I fixed it and tested again with a Cathan’s ring and this time it worked...
So now I’m wondering if the code provided in my d2server.ini by default has errors, too. I’m going to have a look at it tonight. The only issue is that I have no more Soj to test it!
if it is your server you can make them in Hero editor and export to character
Guys, if you are having issues with Dclone SoJ sale - please post your D2Server.ini and I will get back to you. Or PM me directly and I will resolve it for you.
if it is your server you can make them in Hero editor and export to character
You mean so I could test in open games? Can Dclone spawn in an open game? I've never tried that.
Added: 23.03.2019 23:54
Guys, if you are having issues with Dclone SoJ sale - please post your D2Server.ini and I will get back to you. Or PM me directly and I will resolve it for you.
Thank you, Meanski. I'm going to try a few things today and if I'm still having issues, I'll take you up on that!
No open, I dont know if dc spawn in open games, probably do not.
I mean download charsave form server, edit it in Heroeditor and upload it back.
It is only for testing purpose, you shouldnt cheat your players.
Some answers to your questions.
Does the DClone Event Open in Open and Closed Games?
A: Yes, in both types of games.
Do I need to be in Hell Mode to sell SoJ?
A: Yes, because the DClone is must spawn in its largest mLvl to drop the Anny.
Can it be sold SoJ on any NPC?
A: Yes, as long as the game is created in Hell Mode.
When I sold SoJ the DClone Event does not start, what do I do?
A: Check your settings in D2server.ini.
How to start the DClone Event with the sale of only 1 SoJ?
A: Use the configuration below.
DClone Complete Configuration in D2server.ini:
[World Event]
; Enable DiabloClone Spawned only in the only game where the key sold.
; Message Vendor Soj
;update interval in seconds
;Notes: even if DC spawns in non-hell difficulty, it can only drop USC in hell difficulty
;e.g: Difficulty=normal,nightmare,hell means spawn DC in any difficulty
;you will be happy when SpawnMinions set to non zero...
;World event trigger item config
Item=The Stone of Jordan
;Total items needed to trigger DC is:
;[ItemRangeMin, ItemRangeMax] + (ItemNormalGameFactor * NormalGames)/100
;+ (ItemNormalPlayerFactor * NormalPlayers)/100 + ...
;NormalGame, NormalPlayers ... all are current dyanmic count on this server
ItemHellPlayerFactor=100 → [EN] Diablo → D2gs only one event game when sell soj