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Topic: Diablo 2 1.09

I purchased a VPS in order to host a 1.09 server as I'm hoping to get it populated. I have lots of people interested in playing it but I'm having issues getting it set up. I'd like to pay for somebody to connect to my VPS and set up the pvpg, d2dsb, d2cs and etc to get a fully functional 1.09 server. I've been having issues that I can't seem to fix. It's telling me I'm #1 in line to play and I can't seem to get past it.


Re: Diablo 2 1.09

Kurisutofa wrote:

I purchased a VPS in order to host a 1.09 server as I'm hoping to get it populated. I have lots of people interested in playing it but I'm having issues getting it set up. I'd like to pay for somebody to connect to my VPS and set up the pvpg, d2dsb, d2cs and etc to get a fully functional 1.09 server. I've been having issues that I can't seem to fix. It's telling me I'm #1 in line to play and I can't seem to get past it.

Have you set your max games server side? Are you using windows or Linux


Re: Diablo 2 1.09

reillybenoit wrote:
Kurisutofa wrote:

I purchased a VPS in order to host a 1.09 server as I'm hoping to get it populated. I have lots of people interested in playing it but I'm having issues getting it set up. I'd like to pay for somebody to connect to my VPS and set up the pvpg, d2dsb, d2cs and etc to get a fully functional 1.09 server. I've been having issues that I can't seem to fix. It's telling me I'm #1 in line to play and I can't seem to get past it.

Have you set your max games server side? Are you using windows or Linux

I don't believe I have. Windows Server 2019.


Re: Diablo 2 1.09

Got a few extra ideas from tonight, will look tomorrow for you

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Posts: 4

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