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Topic: Playing on the same PC that hosts the server


I have recently begun trying to set up a closed server using PvPGN and D2GS. I am to the point that when I connect to the closed server on a PC within the same network, I am getting the "Waiting in line to create game" message. I have not tested it from an external network yet.

My question is, is it even possible to play on the closed server using a PC that is within the same network? Can I play on the same PC that hosts the server? Thanks for any help.



Re: Playing on the same PC that hosts the server

AFAIR, it's not possible to play from the same computer where D2GS is running. At least I could not.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Playing on the same PC that hosts the server

HarpyWar wrote:

AFAIR, it's not possible to play from the same computer where D2GS is running. At least I could not.

Thank you. I’ve been reading through this forum and it appears that it’s possible to play on a closed realm on a separate PC that is within the same LAN network. Can you confirm this?


Re: Playing on the same PC that hosts the server

Sure, it does not matter where you run a server if not on your local PC.
But if you want that users can play from both LAN and Internet then you should setup address_translation.conf

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Playing on the same PC that hosts the server

HarpyWar wrote:

Sure, it does not matter where you run a server if not on your local PC.
But if you want that users can play from both LAN and Internet then you should setup address_translation.conf

Thank you.

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